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ICOCBA 2012 International Conference on Optimization, Computing and Business Analytics
Dec 20, 2012 - Dec 22, 2012 Techno India University, Kolkata, India Sep 14, 2012
ISDA 2012 International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications
Nov 27, 2012 - Nov 29, 2012 Kochi, India Sep 15, 2012
CCSIT 2013 The Third International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology
Feb 18, 2013 - Feb 20, 2013 Bangalore, India Oct 10, 2012
IACC 2013 3rd IEEE International Advance Computing Conference
Feb 22, 2013 - Feb 23, 2013 Ghaziabad, UP, India Nov 15, 2012
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