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IEEE CCNC 2025 IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference
Jan 10, 2025 - Jan 13, 2025 Las Vegas, NV, USA Jul 1, 2024
CNSM 2024 20th International Conference on Network and Service Management
Oct 28, 2024 - Oct 31, 2024 Prague, Czech Republic Jul 1, 2024
ICSOC 2024 International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing
Dec 3, 2024 - Dec 6, 2024 Tunis, Tunisia Jul 14, 2024 (Jul 10, 2024)
UCC 2024 The IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing
Dec 16, 2024 - Dec 19, 2024 Sharjah, UAE Aug 10, 2024
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