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Testing United 2020 : Testing United 2020


When Nov 5, 2020 - Nov 6, 2020
Where Prague, Czech Repulic
Submission Deadline Feb 29, 2020
Categories    testing   quality assurance

Call For Papers

The theme of this year’s conference is “Becoming Superheroes: Lessons Learned in Software Testing”. We are focusing on real life stories of failures and lessons learned in your testing journey; including those related to data, privacy and security. I am your program chair Raj Subrameyer and I am honored, humbled and privileged to be leading a team of thought leaders and influencers in putting together a great conference program, with the ultimate goal of inspiring people.

What we are looking for?

Based on the above story, you may have already guessed what we are looking for from our speakers.

We want to hear inspiring stories of how you and your team noticed problems and tried different approaches to solve them.
We want to hear your successes and failures and learn from your story.
We want to get inspired and get new ideas from how you and your team ultimately came out on top solving problems and becoming superheroes.
In addition, we are looking for stories specifically related to protecting ourselves against attacks on data, security and privacy. This is an important component of this year’s theme.

The above aspects cut across all industries such as Banking, Finance, IT, Medicine, E-Commerce, Retail and technologies such as AI, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Computer Vision, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and much more. So, we encourage anyone who has inspirational stories to submit proposals for Testing United 2020.

What we are not looking for?

You read a book or a blog post, and want to share the information with others.
You fill up the slides with content and read from it.
You are using the talk to promote your products and services.
You have fancy and complicated diagrams to share with the audience.
You submit a talk with the word “Lesson Learned…” just to grab our attention.
You copy another person’s work and share it as yours.
You use Testing United stage to promote your agenda not related to the theme of the conference.

Related Resources

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IJPLA 2024   International Journal of Programming Languages and Applications
ICVR 2024   IEEE--2024 the 10th International Conference on Virtual Reality (ICVR 2024)
CAIJ 2024   Computer Applications: An International Journal
ISSTA 2024   The ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (Round 2)
TAP 2024   18th International Conference on Tests and Proofs
IOTCB 2024   3rd International Conference on IOT, Cloud and Big Data
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