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CSEE&T 2020 : 32nd International Conference on Software Engineering Education & Training


When Jul 29, 2020 - Jul 31, 2020
Where Munich, Germany
Abstract Registration Due Feb 1, 2020
Submission Deadline Feb 8, 2020
Notification Due Apr 4, 2020
Final Version Due May 9, 2020
Categories    education   computer science

Call For Papers

CSEE&T 2020 seeks original research papers on novel ideas, methods and techniques for software engineering education as well as education experience & industrial training reports. Contributions may concern all fields of software engineering education, among others, university education at graduate and undergraduate level, industrial training, as well as teaching software engineering at various kinds of secondary schools. We invite submissions on any aspects of software engineering education and training.

The special theme of CSEE&T 2020 is “Educating for the Future”. Therefore, we particularly encourage submissions dealing with the use of new methods and technologies to improve software engineering education and training, and we seek contributions related to the challenges and issues when teaching these new achievements to learners.

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