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INTERCOME 2018 : International Conference on Music Research and Education Community


When Oct 25, 2018 - Oct 26, 2018
Where Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Submission Deadline Jul 31, 2018
Notification Due Aug 7, 2018
Categories    music   education   music research development   science theory for music

Call For Papers

Music is an expression of the feelings of the soul delivered through the sound media. But not all sounds are music. Only a organized sound can be said as music. Sound with an regular pattern rhythm; sounds that have measured frequencies; and the combination of regular rhythm and sound. Thus the music is close to the regularity, as is the constantly ordered law of nature. It can be said that musical order is deterministic as the nature of the universe. There are laws of a certain nature in the natural sciences likewise in the music there are rules that should be followed to produce beautiful music.
Therefore basically in music is contains the basic elements that are not only studied from the music as an art that contains elements of personal uniqueness. But music also can be studied in an objective nature of science that is objective and promising certainty. Not surprisingly, in Ancient Greece, music included the faculty of mathematics, and also majoring in architecture. It is not surprising that in music learning, many teachers focused on learning turned into math lessons, which is counting beats when teaching measure the tone. It because music not only can be felt, but also can be counted.
The developmental journey of science that puts music limited to the specialization of social and humanities is inhibiting the development of theories that can explain and construct music as part of the discipline, capable of contributing to advancements in other fields such as: natural sciences, psychology, medicine and etc. Where so far by most of the music community that is only a part of the entertainment media, can be ignored by developing the theory of both basic theory and applied theory that are interconnected with science, including natural science.
The music researches in the world in 1990s decade resulted amazing discovery, which directly or indirectly raise the world's awareness of the importance of the music. Scientific journals of the 1980s and 1990s published studies proving that music literally changes the brain structure that is developing in the fetus; IQ scores are increasing among children who receive regular music training; music therapy for half an hour can improve the immune function of children; and music can also ease tension, encourage social interaction, stimulate language development and improve motor skills among children. It can be said that music either directly or indirectly has a great influence on life. However, the music will also develop along with the development of times.
Currently, gadget, mobile phone, laptop,and internet, has become a common sight. It is time for music educators, researchers, and observers of music education to make the innovations of learning so that learners in learning with authentic learning. Based on observation of learning music in different parts of the world specially in schools and universities some of them are using conventional methods, even though communication technology is developing very rapidly.
Considering the importance of implementation and development of innovation in of music education, both basic and aplied theories and the related with other discipline We would like organized an international conference on the theme of Innovation of 21st century music education. This conference is intended to capture the latest musical developments and bring together theoretical and practical views, concepts, theories, and principles that can be used by educators, researchers, observers and the broader community to develop education based on study of thought results and/ or research results.
Proposals for oral presentations and posters cover but not limited to the following themes and sub-themes:
1. Picture of 21st century music education;
2. Collecting, developing, and constructing the basic theory of the relationship and the effect of music on psychology, physics, social, and other diciplines or vise versa and its utilization in current human life;
3. The Innovation of curriculum, teaching and learning, media and technological, evaluation, and environment in accordance with the development of the 21st century.
4. Development of TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content of Knowledge) in music learning.
5. Music learner and the profill of music teacher in the digital Area on 21st century;
6. The harmonious existence Eastern, Western, traditional and modern music for all type of music in digital revolution Era;
7. The development of music as an educational media in post globalization era ;
8. The development of critical thinking ability to respond to various phenomena of the latest music development;
9. Music Research development in the 21st century;
10. Potential contributions of music to the development of various fields
Whilst priority will be given to presentations addressing these topics, any topics concerned with Innovation of music education will be welcomed. We sincerely welcome to our conference all those who care about exploring and enhancing the innovatioan in music education in the world.
We welcome submissions from scholars, students, and practitioners across many disciplines that contribute to the study and practice of music education. Plenary sessions and invited symposia will explicitly address the conference theme. We encourage individuals to submit papers that address this theme; however, we also welcome any proposals that address with relevants issues.

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