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EMR-IBS 2018 : 10th Conference of the Eastern Mediterranean Region of the International Biometric Society (EMR-IBS) ​


When Dec 17, 2018 - Dec 20, 2018
Where Jerusalem, Israel
Submission Deadline Sep 15, 2018
Categories    statistics   biostatistics

Call For Papers

We are very glad to welcome you to the Jerusalem Joint Statistical Event 2018. The event includes a one-day symposium in honor of the 70th birthday of Professor Yoav Benjamini of Tel Aviv University, followed by the 10th Conference of the Eastern
Mediterranean Region of the International Biometrics Society (EMR‐IBS), which will take place in Jerusalem, Israel, 17-20 December, 2018.


Abstracts must be submitted using the online submission link.

All abstracts must be submitted in English.

The names and affiliations of ALL authors should be included in the abstract, i.e. department, institution, city, country.

Abstracts should be no longer than 500 words, not including the title, author names and affiliations.
​On the online submission link please select up to 5 topic/s which are relevant to your abstract.

Topics: High-dimensional data analysis; Measurement error; Quantile regression; Semiparametric methods; Nonparametric statistics; Functional data analysis; Bayesian methods; Small area estimation; Latent variables; Causal inference; Mixture models; Time series; Observation​al​ studies; Multiple comparisons; Survival analysis; Computational methods in statistics; Statistical machine learning; Regularized methods; Graphical models; Group sequential analysis; Statistical genetics and genomics; Longitudinal data; Risk prediction; Meta analysis; Missing data; Generalized linear models; Dynamic treatment regimes; Personalized medicine; Statistical inference; Clinical trials; Variable selection; Dimension reduction; Case-control studies; Replicability analysis;​ Post-selection inference; Visuallization; Other

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