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IJCCBS 2010 : International Journal of Critical Computer-Based Systems


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    computer dependability   fault-tolerance real-time   money-critical safety-critical   software reliability models

Call For Papers


International Journal of Critical Computer-Based Systems (IJCCBS)


The International Journal of Critical Computer-Based Systems (Inderscience Publishers) seeks original as well as survey papers on the engineering of high-integrity systems in critical applications (process control, transportation, defence, medicine, banking, e-commerce, etc.), with special emphasis on model-based paradigms for dependability assurance and industrial experience reports. The journal covers both theoretical and practical aspects of money/life-critical systems development, including novel technologies, designs and evaluation approaches. Papers focusing on methodologies and tools to master the increasing complexity (in terms of size, distribution and heterogeneity) of these systems are especially welcome.

Published articles will be indexed in the major on-line archives (including DBLP).

Topics of interest include:

Computer Dependability (Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, Safety, Resilience, Performability, Trustworthiness, Survivability, Plasticity), High-Assurance Systems Engineering, Verification and Validation, Model-Based Software Testing, Formal Methods, Model-Checking and Theorem-Proving, Software Fault-Tolerance and Rejuvination, Multi-Paradigm Modeling (Multi-Formalism, Meta-Modeling), Fault Injection and Measurement Based Analysis, FMECA, Risk Assessment and Hazard Analysis, Information and Network Security, Protocols for Real-Time Distributed Systems, Dependable Middlewares, Self-Checking and Reconfigurable Hardware, Business Continuity Planning, Back-Up and Disaster Recovery Strategies, Human Machine Interaction and Human Factors

Members of the Editorial Board include:

Jean-Paul Blanquart
Andrea Bondavalli
Michael J. Butler
Francesco Flammini
Giuliana Franceschinis
Rick Harper
Gerard Holzmann
Leonardo Impagliazzo
Jan Jürjens
Karama Kanoun
Johan Karlsson
Tim Kelly
Tiziana Margaria
Antonino Mazzeo
Nicola Mazzocca
Pieter J. Mosterman
Takashi Nanya
Nuno Ferreira Neves
Odd Nordland
András Pataricza
Ricardo Jiménez Peris
David Powell
Paolo Prinetto
Blake Putney
Hassan Reza
Luigi Romano
Alexander Romanovsky
Francesca Saglietti
Lisa Spainhower
Neil Storey
Neeraj Suri
Kishor Trivedi
Hans Vangheluwe
Valeria Vittorini
Angela Vozella
Armin Zimmermann


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