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MSIADU 2009 : 1st ACM international Workshop on: Media Studies and implementations that help Improving Access to Disabled Users


When Oct 23, 2009 - Oct 23, 2009
Where Beijing, China
Submission Deadline Jun 26, 2009
Notification Due Jul 8, 2009
Final Version Due Jul 24, 2009

Call For Papers

This Workshop will be based on the work carried out during the 3rd International Workshop on Human-Centered Computing (HCC08) held at the ACM Multimedia 2008 conference in Vancouver. There participants discussed on how to use technology to achieve an accessible environment for the disabled.

At present, it is estimated that there are several millions of people with disabilities worldwide. Focusing on Internet users, the estimated percentage goes around 10%. There are several contributions that might be highlighted among the organizations that have studied the classification of disabilities. Among those, the work of the WHO/OMS (World Health Organization), the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) and the WAI (Web Accessibility Initiative). Major disability types include visual, auditory, motor and cognitive or related to language use. Moreover that other "unofficial" disabilities due to the lack of technology alphabetization (no access or inappropriate equipment and specific audiences like the elderly, rural, children, etc). According to the Microsoft company: Almost 40% of people have problems with accessing a computer and only 1% is declared as disabled. Accessibility as applied to virtual and real environments also benefits people without disabilities. A key principle is the design of flexible resources to meet different user needs, preferences and situations.

This workshop seeks original high innovative research in the area of Multimedia (studies and implementations) in order to improve accessibility to real and virtual scenarios that might be applied to all kinds of users with disabilities or difficulties when implementing concrete actions (navigation or interaction with a particular medium). We need solutions to adapt the environment, products and services to the final needs of the user.

As a major topic, this invited proposal seeks to discuss about Multimedia (in general) and Usability (in particular), helping to increase the current levels of Accessibility regarding virtual and real interactive environments where the disabled community can participate.

The goals of this workshop are:

* Fundamental research in the area of Multimedia, within the scope of disabilities and Human Computer Interaction (HCI).
* Solutions to targeted problems of high impact in real-life applications.
* Compare the research and progress of international projects and their differences.


The workshop topics will include, but are not limited to, the following:

* Usability and Accessibility.
* Accessible Multimedia.
* Accessibility for all.
* Trends in Disability.
* Person behavior and Interaction Analysis.
* Applications in Virtual Reality, Multimedia and Gaming.
* Technological novelties, evaluations and solutions.
* User-Experience studies and evaluations.
* Human-Centered Computing.
* Human-Computer Interfaces.
* Human Affect Analysis and Affective Computing.
* Perceptual and Multimodal user interfaces.
* Accessible Architecture.

The constantly growing number of the technologies available causes users to experience more difficulties while using them. The Multimedia field addresses that by definition, making applications and resources manage a greater interactivity, ease of use and audiovisual feedback. It is necessary to review whether such studies or implementations are not only usable and accessible but can be adapted to specifically users while generating in them a satisfactory experience of use.

Target audience includes researchers, designers, experts and scholars, in the field of usability, accessibility, disabilities, multimedia development, sociology, psychology, graphic design, among others and its related areas. These areas include content creation, human-computer-interaction and usability expertise. Workshop participants shall have previous experience in this or related fields to be able to contribute on a high scientific level.

We welcome multidisciplinary contributions coming from the media technology, artistic and human experience side. Case studies (successful and especially unsuccessful), disability installations, technologies, media studies, and user-experience evaluations are highly welcome.

Participants will be able to observe many different works of accessibility and projects from a multicultural perspective. All those materials will relate to multimedia technologies. A selected series of proposals will be aimed to be developed cooperatively from a multidisciplinary and multicultural view, to search for possible global solutions to the problems related to creating adaptable and accessible interfaces.

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