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WMDD 2015 : ACM Workshop on Multimodal Deception Detection


When Nov 9, 2015 - Nov 13, 2015
Where Seattle, WA, USA
Submission Deadline Aug 13, 2015
Notification Due Sep 1, 2015
Final Version Due Sep 7, 2015
Categories    artificial intelligence   natural language processing   computer vision   psychology

Call For Papers


In conjunction witH ACM ICMI 2015
Seattle, November 13, 2015



The widespread use of deception in offline and online communication suggests the need for methods to automatically detect deceit. The 2015 ACM Workshop on Multimodal Deception Detection (WMDD 2015) will focus on multimodal and interdisciplinary approaches to deception detection, as well as approaches that utilize a single modality with clear potential for integration with additional modalities. Deception detection has received an increasing amount of attention due to the significant growth of digital media, as well as increased ethical and security concerns. Earlier approaches to deception detection were mainly focused on law enforcement applications and relied on polygraph tests, which had proven to falsely accuse the innocent and free the guilty in multiple cases. More recent work on deception has expanded to other applications, such as deception detection in social media, interviews, or deception in day-by-day interactions. Moreover, recent research on deception detection has brought together scientists from fields as diverse as computational linguistics, speech processing, computer vision, psychology, and physiology, which makes this problem particularly appealing for multimodal processing. The goal of this workshop is to provide the participants with a forum to foster the dissemination of ideas on computational and behavioral methodologies for deception detection.

We encourage the submission of papers that address the multimodal perspective of deception detection, as well as papers that use clues from a single modality but with the clear potential of being integrated with additional modalities. We also encourage the submission of interdisciplinary work stemming from a variety of fields such as computational linguistics, speech processing, computer vision, psychology, physiology, and others. The topics include, but are not limited to:
- Deception detection using multimodal processing, including modalities such as text, speech, thermal, and visual
- Deception detection using a single modality, with a potential to be integrated with other modalities
- Deception detection applied to real world applications, including healthcare, law enforcement, and others
- Study of nonverbal behaviors associated to deception
- The role of psychology in deception detection
- The role of physiology in deception detection
- Ways to integrate multiple modalities, including feature-based and decision-based fusion, and temporal alignment
- Deception detection in social media
- The construction of datasets for deception detection, from real or simulated environments

Dr. Ioannis Pavlidis, University of Houston, USA.
Dr. Yejin Choi, University of Washington, USA.

Mohamed Abouelenien, University of Michigan
Mihai Burzo, University of Michigan
Rada Mihalcea, University of Michigan
Veronica Perez-Rosas, University of Michigan

Kalina Bontcheva, University of Sheffield, UK
Judee Burgoon, University of Arizona , USA
Paola Castillo, Charles Sturt University, Australia
Malcolm Dcosta, University of Houston, USA
Amit Deokar, Pennsylvania State University, USA
Jeffrey Hancock, Cornell University, USA
Julia Hirschberg, University of Columbia, USA
Matthew Jensen, University of Oklahoma, USA
Maria Liakata, University of Warwick, UK
Thomas Meservy, Brigham Young University, USA
Dimitris Metaxas, Rutgers University, USA
Ronald Poppe, University of Twente, Netherlands
Rob Procter, University of Warwick, UK
Victoria Rubin, University of Western Ontario, Canada
Frank Rudzicz, University of Toronto, Canada
Elena Svetieva, Catholic University of Portugal, Portugal
Panagiotis Tsiamyrtzis, Athens University, Greece
Douglas Twitchell, Illinois State University, USA
Reyer Zwiggelaar, Aberystwyth University, UK

We invite the submission of long (8 pages) and short (4 pages) papers. Papers should be anonymous, and the review process will be double blind. The papers should follow the ACM template. Links to the templates are available on the ACM website:
- Word template:
- Latex template:

Papers should be submitted using our EasyChair submission interface:

Long papers submission deadline: August 13
Short papers submission deadline: August 13
Notification of acceptance: September 1
Camera-ready papers due: September 7
Registration: September 10
Workshop day: November 13

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