The conference on Ontologies, DataBases, and Applications of Semantics for Large Scale Information Systems (ODBASE'14) provides a forum on the use of ontologies and data semantics in novel applications. Of particular relevance to ODBASE 2014 are papers that bridge traditional boundaries between disciplines such as databases, social networks, mobile systems, artificial intelligence, information retrieval, and computational linguistics. We also encourage the submission of research and practical experience papers concerning scale issues in ontology management, information integration, and information extraction, as well as papers that examine the information needs of various applications.
This year, in addition to its traditional focus on the management of semantically rich information, ODBASE will have special themes captured by specific sessions.
We encourage submissions in areas that connect semantics with the entire data flow cycle: data acquisition e.g. from social networks and mobile devices, data stream processing, e.g., filtering and event contextualization, data analysis, e.g., pattern and knowledge discovery, to dissemination, e.g., publish/subscribe.
ODBASE'14 intends to draw a highly diverse body of researchers and practitioners by being part of the Federated conferences Event "On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2014 (OnTheMove'14)" that co-locates three conferences: ODBASE'14, DOA-SVI'14 (International Symposium on Secure Virtual Infrastructures), and CoopIS'14 (International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems).
ODBASE 2014 will consider two categories of papers: research and experience. Research papers must contain novel, unpublished results. Experience papers must describe existing, real-world scale systems; preference will be given to papers that describe software products or systems that are in wide experimental and industry use.