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ISOCS 2014 : 26th International Symposium on the Organic Chemistry of Sulfur


When Aug 24, 2014 - Aug 29, 2014
Where Istanbul / Turkey
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    organic chemistry of sulfur   synthesis   theory, mechanism and stereoch   bio-organic and medicinal chem

Call For Papers

Dear Colleagues and Friends,
It is my pleasure to invite you to the 26th International Symposium on the Organic Chemistry of Sulfur ( ISOCS-26 ), which will take place between 24 and 29 August 2014 in Istanbul, Turkey.
This symposium will consist of an informative and comprehensive scientific program, featuring oral and poster presentations and an exhibition. This will provide a unique opportunity to become familiar with the most recent advancements on the Organic Chemistry of Sulfur. The symposium includes topics as:
 Synthesis
 Theory, Mechanism, and Stereochemistry
 Bio-Organic and Medicinal Chemistry
 Catalysis
 Advanced Materials, Nanotechnology
 Environment
It has been the tradition of the ISOCS symposium series to select venues with unique features. For 2014, one of the most important cradles of human civilization will host ISOCS-26 in Istanbul. It is no exaggeration to describe Istanbul as one of the most beautiful cities in the world at the crossroads of civilizations. It is the bridge that connects the continents; East and West, located in the heart of the Old World.

I hope you will enjoy the meeting facilities at the symposium venue , our assistance to ensure your stay with us is fascinating, rewarding ,memorable and this Symposium will be remembered with its high scientific and technical quality as well as its pleasant social atmosphere.

We will be honored to host you in Istanbul where you will have the opportunity to experience the renowned Turkish hospitality.
We look forward to welcoming you all to the 26th International Symposium on the Organic
Chemistry of Sulfur ( ISOCS-26 ).

Turan Ozturk
Chairman ISOCS-26

Submission Information

All participants are invited to present posters and oral communications in any respect of the topics covered by the Symposium.

Lecturers and Interested authors of contributed papers are requested to submit an abstractPeer Evaluation

The submitted abstracts will be evaluated by scientific committee.
*All accepted abstracts will be published in the Book of Abstracts of the ISOCS-26 with an ISBN registration number which will be available at the symposium. Guidelines to prepare the abstracts is supplied in MS Word format in the symposium website. These abstracts should be uploaded into the website for review. English is the official symposium language. At least one author must be registered and pay the registration fee in order for the papers to be included in the symposium proceedings.
*Accepted symposium papers (plenary lectures, oral communications and poster presentations) will be considered to publish in a special issue of Phosphorus Sulfur and Silicon and the Related Elements.
*Plenary and Invited lectures (max. 15 pages), oral communications (max. 4 pages) and poster graphical abstracts (1 page) will be published in a special issue of the journal “Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon and the Related Elements”, following the Symposium. Registered participants will have perpetual online access of the complete proceedings of the Symposium published by Taylor and Francis. Detailed Instructions for Authors will be posted on the website of the Symposium. Authors are encouraged to submit full papers as a follow up to the communication of results presented at the Symposium

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