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IJITOP 2017 : International Journal of Internet Trolling and Online Participation


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    internet trolling   online participation   eparticipation   trolls

Call For Papers

The International Journal of Internet Trolling and Online Participation is a scholarly peer reviewed journal available both online (free) and in a traditional print format.

We publish research of interest to academics and practitioners, including those in the areas of new media, social networking and social media, legal studies and law enforcement, and human computer interaction.

Scope of publication

Topics covered and welcome for submission include the following:

* Participation inequality; lurking, the free-rider problem
* Online harassment; flame trolling, cyberbulling, cyberstalking
* Transgressive humour, ‘trolling for the lulz’, viral humour, R.I.P Trolling
* Online Community moderation, perspectives on ‘don’t feed the troll’, blocking users (i.e. ban-hammering’)
* Online learning issues; retention, motivation
* Participation initiatives; Classroom 2.0, eParticipation

Special Issues

* IJITOP has special issue calls at:

Submission Procedure

Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit papers for the International Journal of Internet Trolling and Online Participation. All submitted papers will be reviewed on a blind peer review basis.

Authors are invited to submit two to three international academics with expertise on their paper who may or may not be called to act as reviewers. Papers must follow APA style for reference citations and be in Microsoft Word format.

NB. Papers can be submitted any time during the year for review. Successful papers for the journal will be give a letter of approval so the authors can put their publication on their CVs prior to publication.

All submissions and inquiries should be directed to the editorial board of The International Journal of Internet Trolling and Online Participation:


Jonathan Bishop
Centre for Research into Online Communities and E-Learning Systems.

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