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JAISE-DDIE 2013 : JAISE Thematic Issue 2013 : Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments (JAISE) - Thematic Issue on Designing and Deploying Intelligent Environments


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline Dec 15, 2012
Notification Due Mar 15, 2013
Final Version Due Apr 15, 2013
Categories    intelligent environments   ubiquitous computing   pervasive computing   internet of things

Call For Papers

Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments (JAISE)
Thematic Issue on Designing and Deploying Intelligent Environments

This thematic issue is focused on the design and deployment of Intelligent Environments (IEs). This call is intended to solicit contributions from an international audience on recent developments and experiments that:
-- Present innovative and state-of-the-art IE designs,
-- Describe real-world, virtual and simulated IE deployments,
-- Share experiences, insights, best-practices and lessons-learned,
-- Report the results of technical and social evaluations with regards to IE design,
-- Discuss and highlight the key challenges and future developments within the domain.

The design and deployment of IEs is of paramount importance, as good and innovative designs can have significant impact on several aspects such as quality, cost, efficiency, usability and reliability. In terms of real applications, proactive, adaptive and real-time solutions for the final user are a big challenge, especially when complex activities and multiple-users are considered. The design should simplify access to desired functionality and the automation / integration of new devices.

We are keen to encourage the submission of papers from a wide variety of backgrounds and perspectives that relate to IE design and deployment in both research and industry. Topics sought include, but are not limited to:
- Smart Buildings and “living-labs” (such as homes, offices, classrooms, schools, etc.)
- Intelligent transport and vehicles Theoretical foundations
- Middleware and enabling technologies
- Smart healthcare
- Smart energy systems
- Ambient assisted living
- Intelligent Agents
- Context awareness
- Green and sustainable design
- Embedded computing
- Ubiquitous/pervasive computing
- Hardware and Software for IE
- Learning methods
- Mobile and wearable computing

Papers should be of 12 pages or longer (papers of up to 30 pages will be accepted, but authors should aim for between 15 and 20 pages) and adhere to the guidelines given on the Web page:

When submitting, authors should highlight that the submission is for this particular special issue.

• Víctor Manuel Zamudio (Guest Editor) Instituto Tecnológico de León, México
• James Dooley (Guest Editor) University of Essex, UK
• Jesús Favela (Guest Editor) CICESE, México
• Hans W. Guesgen (Editor) Massey University,

We encourage potential authors to contact the editors to notify them of their intention to submit a manuscript for the special issue or for any questions they might have regarding scope of special issue or the editorial schedule.

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