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BHI 2012 : 2012 International Workshop on Biomedical and Health Informatics


Conference Series : Biomedical and Health Informatics
When Oct 4, 2012 - Oct 7, 2012
Where Philadelphia, USA
Submission Deadline Jul 15, 2012
Categories    biomedicine   health informatics

Call For Papers

The goal of biomedical and health informatics is to advance biomedicine and healthcare using information technologies. One of fundamental issues that healthcare/biomedical researchers encounter today is how to make use of the enormous amount of electronic healthcare/biomedical data. Healthcare knowledge discovery from the data holds great promise to improve the quality of patient care, prevent potential medical errors, and reduce healthcare cost. In addition, this may enable the practices of medicine to be (healthcare) data-driven and accelerate evidence-based medicine. Establishing a methodology for knowledge discovery and management of large amounts of health/biomedical data has therefore become a main priority in health informatics and biomedicine. To accomplish this objective, both practical applications and theoretical research will be essential.

Organized in conjunction with BIBM 2012, the goal of this workshop is to attract various researchers from both computer science, information science, biomedical informatics, biomedicine, and healthcare for sharing and exchanging their awareness of current research issues, technologies, and ideas. Papers are welcome from the following topics (but not limited to):

Foundations of biomedicine and health informatics

Health information technology (HIT)

Evidence-based medical practice using HIT

Medical imaging informatics

Electronic health/medical record applications

Personal health record applications

Healthcare data warehouses

Human-computer interaction and usability in healthcare

Clinical Workflow and Human Factors

Health information modeling and sharing

Biomedical/Health database integration and management

Health Information retrieval and extraction

Research on MEDLINE/PubMed

Linguistic and semantic resources including dictionary and ontology

Extraction of functional information from biomedical literature

Biomedical ontology applications

Computer-aided annotation

Personalized medicine and drug discovery

Text mining in biomedicine/healthcare

Lessons learned from health information system implementation

Nursing Informatics

Clinical decision support

Healthcare IT Standards

Translational bioinformatics and biomedicine

Related Resources

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