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Neuromodulatory Mechanisms 2012 : Cell Symposia: Neuromodulatory Mechanisms


When Oct 10, 2012 - Oct 12, 2012
Where Hilton New Orleans, New Orleans, USA
Submission Deadline Jul 1, 2012
Categories    neurology   brain research   nervous system   neuroscience

Call For Papers

Neuromodulatory mechanisms play an important role in allowing the nervous system to adapt to changes in context or behavioral state, and dysregulation of these mechanisms contributes to nervous system disorders. In recent years there has been renewed attention to the role of diverse modulatory systems in the flexible regulation of synapses and dynamic tuning of circuits. The focus of this meeting will be on presenting the latest findings related to neuromodulatory mechanisms and their role in nervous system function and disease. The meeting will cover new concepts and cutting-edge technologies, with a selection of topics that highlight multidisciplinary approaches including cell biology, biochemistry and molecular biology, physiology, genetics, and behavioral analyses.

Topics covered at the symposium will include:
•modulatory mechansism involving neuropeptides, growth factors, and hormones
•modulatory neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin and acetylcholine and their roles in tuning neural circuits
•neuromodulation of synaptic function
•neuromodulation and behavioral state changes
•contribution of neuromodulatory mechanisms to innate behavior and cognitive functions
•contribution of neuromodulatory mechanisms to disorders of the nervous system

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