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DMA 2014 : Workshop on Data Mining in Agriculture


When Jul 18, 2014 - Jul 18, 2014
Where St. Petersburg
Submission Deadline Mar 20, 2014
Notification Due Apr 30, 2014
Final Version Due May 12, 2014
Categories    data mining   agriculture

Call For Papers

Submission Deadline extended: April 29th, 2012
Notification Date extended: May 15th, 2012
Camera-Ready Deadline extended: May 28th, 2012

Workshop Data Mining in Agriculture DMA 2014

July 18, 2014, St. Petersburg / Russia

Workshop Chair
Georg Ruß, tecData AG, Uzwil, Switzerland

Data mining, the art and science of intelligent analysis of (usually large) data sets for meaningful (and previously unknown) insights, is nowadays actively applied in a wide range of disciplines related to agriculture. Due to the emerging importance of data mining techniques and methodologies in the area of agriculture, this workshop aims to bring together practitioners and researchers in this field. It creates a community of people who are actively using data mining tools and techniques and apply them to agriculture data.

Scope of the Workshop

Carrying out effective and sustainable agriculture has become an important issue in recent years. Agricultural production has to keep up with an ever-increasing population. A key to this is the usage of modern technologies such as GPS (for precision agriculture) and data mining techniques to take advantage of the soil's heterogeneity. The large amounts of data that are nowadays virtually harvested along with the crops have to be analysed and should be used to their full extent - this is clearly a data mining task. Data mining allows to extract the most important information from such vast data and to uncover previously unknown patterns that may be relevant to current agricultural problems, thereby helping farmers and managing organisations to transform data into business decisions.

The goals of this workshop are to provide a forum for identifying important contributions and opportunities for research on data mining as it applies to agriculture to promote the systematic study of how to apply data mining to agriculture data to develop practical applications.

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

- Data Mining on Sensor and Spatial Data from Agricultural Applications
- Analysis of Remote Sensor Data
- Feature Selection on Agricultural Data
- Evaluation of Data Mining Experiments
- Spatial Autocorrelation in Agricultural Data

Target Group

- Computer scientists working on agriculture problems
- Machine learners, data miners and statisticians with an interest in agriculture
- Agricultural researchers with a background in data mining
- Agriculture professionals with data mining applications and showcases
- Middleware developers covering data mining aspects in data (pre)processing
- Farmers with an interest in data mining and related aspects
- ... and similar professional and research people

Submission Requirements

Workshop papers will be published in the workshop proceedings by ibai-publishing. PostScript (compressed and uncoded) or PDF paper submissions should be haved a maximum of ten pages.

Please submit the electronic version of your camera-ready paper through the CMS-system.

Important Dates

Submission Deadline: März 20th, 2014
Notification Date: April 30th, 2014
Camera-Ready Deadline: May 12th, 2014
Workshop date: July 180th, 2014

Related Resources

ICDM 2025   The 25th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining
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PRICAI 2025   22nd Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence
SPIE-Ei/Scopus-DMNLP 2025   2025 2nd International Conference on Data Mining and Natural Language Processing (DMNLP 2025)-EI Compendex&Scopus
ISKE 2025   The 20th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering (ISKE 2025)
Ei/Scopus-ITNLP 2025   2025 5th International Conference on Information Technology and Natural Language Processing (ITNLP 2025)
AMLDS 2025   IEEE--2025 International Conference on Advanced Machine Learning and Data Science
CRBL 2025   5th International Conference on Cryptography and Blockchain
ICCNS--EI 2025   2025 15th International Conference on Communication and Network Security (ICCNS 2025)
Ei/Scopus-CVCM 2025   2025 6th International Conference on Computer Vision, Communications and Multimedia(CVCM 2025)