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Fast Continuum 2025 : Fast Continuum 2025 Workshop (Co-located with IEEE SERVICES)


When Jul 7, 2025 - Jul 12, 2025
Where Helsinki
Submission Deadline Apr 7, 2025
Notification Due May 16, 2025

Call For Papers

********Fast Continuum 2025 Workshop Call for Papers********

in conjunction with IEEE QSW Conference, IEEE Cloud, IEEE Edge, part of IEEE SERVICES 2025

July 7-12 2025, Helsinki, Finland



As industries increasingly adopt distributed intelligence, new challenges emerge in managing heterogeneous resources, ensuring performance guarantees, and securing end-to-end application execution. The computing continuum —a seamless integration of cloud, edge, IoT and, in the very near future, quantum computers— aims at addressing these challenges and has revolutionized the way we design, deploy, and optimize modern applications.

The FastContinuum workshop invites researchers, industry experts, and practitioners to contribute innovative solutions, share experiences, and engage in discussions on the future of computing beyond conventional cloud models. This workshop serves as a way for exploring emerging trends, methodologies, and frameworks that facilitate intelligent, adaptive, and high-performance computing across the continuum.



* Computing Continuum Foundations

* Design principles and architecture of continuum systems

* Application scheduling and orchestration strategies

* Energy-efficient continuum computing

* Quantum computing and HPC as computing continuum components

* Performance & Optimization

* Modeling, evaluation, and performance optimization

* AI-driven optimizations

* Large Language Models requirements for the computing continuum

* Artificial Intelligence & Emerging Technologies

* Generative AI for designing and managing continuum software

* Machine Learning and AI applications in the continuum

* Augmented Reality and immersive computing

* Software & Infrastructure Innovations

* Microservices, Function as a Service (FaaS), and serverless computing

* Cyber-physical systems, IoT, digital twins, and industrial internet

* Data-intensive and real-time stream processing systems

* Security, Automation, & Resilience

* Infrastructure as Code and automation in the continuum

* DevSecOps for distributed applications

* Autonomous, resilient, and adaptive systems



Workshop paper submissions: April 7, 2025

Notification of acceptance: May 16, 2025

Camera-ready copies and registration: May 30, 2025

Workshop date: TBD



Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished papers that are not being considered in another forum. We solicit full papers (max. 6 pages) as well as short and demo papers (max. 4 pages). Short papers can include reports about research activities not mature enough for a full paper as well as new ideas and vision papers. All submissions must conform to the standard IEEE template for conference proceedings: More specifically, the double-column formats have to be used for all paper submissions. Each paper submission will be reviewed by at least three members of the program committee. Papers can be submitted via EasyChair:, “[FastContinuum] Workshop on Fast Continuum” track.

Papers will be published in the IEEE Services 2025 Companion Proceedings volume (To be confirmed).

At least one author of each accepted paper is required to attend the workshop and present the paper.



Danilo Ardagna, Elisabetta Di Nitto (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)



Juncal Alonso Ibarra (Tecnalia, Spain), Federica Filippini (University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy)



Marco Garlini (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)



* Vasilios Andrikopoulos, University of Groningen, The Netherlands

* Mats Brorsson, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg

* Matija Cankar,COMSENSUS/JSI, Slovenia

* Michele Chiari, Technischen Universität Wien, Austria

* Jean-Christophe Deprez, Centre d'Excellence en Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication (CETIC), Belgium

* Karim Djemame, University of Leeds, UK

* Maria Fazio, University of Messina, Italy

* Francesc Lordan, Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS), Spain

* Fabrizio Magugliani, E4 Computer Engineering, Italy

* Dana Petcu, University of West Timisoara, Romania

* Alessandro Raganato, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy

* Domenico Siracusa, University of Trento, Italy

* Jacopo Soldani, University of Pisa, Italy,

* Ettore Trevisiol, AWS, Italy

* Alessandro Tundo, Technische Universität Wien, Austria

* Indika Kumara, JADS, The Netherlands

* Josu Diaz de Arcaya, Tecnalia

Related Resources

CCGrid 2025   The 25th IEEE international Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing
ccpi 2025   16th International Workshop on Cloud-Edge Continuum Projects and Initiatives (CCPI)
ISPDC 2025   24th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing
WSCC 2025   3rd International Workshop on Scalable Compute Continuum (WSCC 2025)
BECS 2025   CFP - 5th International Workshop on Big data driven Edge Cloud Services
FRAME 2025   5th Workshop on Flexible Resource and Application Management on the Edge
ICFEC 2025   9th IEEE International Conference on Fog and Edge Computing
PEVA 2025   CfP: Performance Evaluation -- Special Issue 2025: Performance in the Edge-to-Cloud Continuum
AHPC3 2025   The 1st Workshop on Accelerated HPC in the Cloud-Edge Continuum
FAST 2025   File and Storage Technologies