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United Nations 2025 : Eighty Years of the United Nations: Challenges and Future Trajectories


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Submission Deadline Jul 31, 2025
Categories    united nations   global governance   international relations   geopolitics

Call For Papers

Global Geopolitics invites contributions for a special issue commemorating the 80th anniversary of the United Nations (UN) in 2025. This issue seeks to critically explore the historical evolution, current challenges, and prospective futures of the UN as it navigates an increasingly complex and multipolar global order.

The founding of the UN in 1945 marked a pivotal moment in international relations, embodying a collective aspiration for peace, security, and cooperation after the devastation of World War II. Over the past eight decades, the UN has played a central role in shaping the global order, from fostering international law and advancing human rights to addressing global challenges such as climate change, poverty, and armed conflicts. However, the organization also faces mounting criticism and unprecedented challenges: geopolitical rivalries, questions about its legitimacy and effectiveness, and the need for reform in the face of a rapidly changing world. As the UN turns 80, this special issue aims to reflect on its achievements, assess its limitations, and explore pathways for reinvention to meet the demands of the 21st century.

We welcome submissions that critically examine the UN from historical, theoretical, and contemporary perspectives.

Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:
- Historical Reflections: Key milestones in the UN's history and their geopolitical implications.
- The UN in a Multipolar World: How the rise of multipolarity is reshaping the role and relevance of the UN.
- UN Reform Debates: Proposals for reforming the Security Council, General Assembly, and other UN bodies to reflect contemporary power dynamics.
- Peacekeeping and Conflict Resolution: Successes, failures, and future directions of UN peacekeeping operations.
- Human Rights and Global Justice: The UN's role in promoting and protecting human rights in an era of rising inequalities and instabilities.
- The UN and Global Governance: Its effectiveness in addressing transnational challenges such as climate change, pandemics, and migration.
- UN and Regional Organizations: Interactions between the UN and regional bodies like the African Union, EU, ASEAN, and others in managing global and regional issues.
- Case Studies of UN Engagements: In-depth analyses of specific UN missions, resolutions, or initiatives.
- UN and Non-State Actors: The evolving relationship between the UN and civil society, NGOs, and multinational corporations.
The Cultural Legacy of the UN: How the organization has shaped global norms, values, and collective identities over eight decades.
- Future of Multilateralism: Visions for the UN's role in fostering cooperation in an era of heightened nationalism and unilateralism.

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