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Posters-FLAIRS 2025 : Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society (Posters)


When May 20, 2025 - May 23, 2025
Where Daytona-Beach
Submission Deadline Mar 17, 2025
Notification Due Mar 24, 2025
Final Version Due Apr 9, 2025
Categories    AI   learning   health   NLP

Call For Papers

FLAIRS-38 continues a tradition of presenting and discussing state of the art artificial intelligence and related research in a sociable atmosphere within a beautiful setting. Events include invited speakers, special tracks, discussion panels, and presentations of papers, POSTERS, and awards. Traditionally, FLAIRS features not only some of the world’s leading researchers and excellent speakers, but also quality submissions from students.

Topics of interest are in all areas of (or related to) artificial intelligence, including, but not limited to:


Knowledge representation

Cognitive modeling


Reasoning and programming



Agents and Distributed AI

Intelligent User Interfaces

Natural language

Generative AI

Information retrieval



Aviation and aerospace




Management and manufacturing

World Wide Web


Philosophical foundations

Social impact and ethics

Verifiable and explainable AI

Evaluation of AI systems

Teaching AI

Special Areas

Spatial Temporal Reasoning

Machine Learning

Data Mining

Computational Linguistics

Uncertain Reasoning

Artificial Intelligence in Education

Games & Entertainment

Intelligent Tutoring Systems

Case-Based Reasoning

Applied Natural Language Processing

Affective Computing

Robotics and Human-Robot Interaction

AI and Cognitive Science

Healthcare Informatics

Cyber Security

Types of submissions

There are three kinds of submissions:

Full paper – a paper describing mature novel research, up to 6 pages excluding references that will be published in the proceedings, and will be presented by the author in a 20 minute oral presentation.

Short paper – a paper that shows some novelty and general interest but is more preliminary or in the early stages of development, up to 4 pages excluding references that get published in the proceedings, and will be presented by the author in a 10 minute oral presentation.


Rejected full papers might be accepted as short papers or posters, if reviewers found interest in the idea but the paper quality was not sufficient to be published in full length.

Appendices after the references are permitted but might not be reviewed, and appendices will not be permitted in the final version of the paper if it is accepted.

Double-blind reviewing is used, so submitted papers must use fake/anonymized author names and affiliations. Papers must use the latest template and must be submitted as PDF.

FLAIRS will not accept any paper which, at the time of submission, is under review for or has already been published or accepted for publication in a journal or another conference. Authors are also required not to submit their papers elsewhere during FLAIRS's review period. These restrictions apply only to journals and conferences, not to workshops and similar specialized presentations with a limited audience and without archival proceedings. Authors will be required to confirm that their submissions conform to these requirements at the time of submission.


The proceedings of FLAIRS-38 will be published by Florida Online Journals ( which is indexed in DBLP and Scopus. Authors are expected to make a reasonable effort to address reviewers’ comments prior to the submission of the camera-ready paper. Where such expectations have been flouted, actions may be taken to preserve the quality of the conference and the expectations of conference goers. In order for a paper to be published in the proceedings, all accepted papers (full, short and poster) must be accompanied by at least one AUTHOR REGISTRATION. It is also expected that at least one of the authors will attend the conference to present their work. A single author may have up to a maximum of two papers per AUTHOR REGISTRATION. Author names may be changed or re-ordered after reviewing; however, for budgetary reasons, registration fees will be based on the details at the time of submission and review.

Paper submission

Paper submission is a two-step process. First, the paper abstract must be registered in EasyChair by the Paper abstract submission deadline. Then, the full paper in PDF is due by the Paper submission deadline. Without registering an abstract on time, it will not be possible to submit the paper later.

For each accepted paper there must be an accompanying AUTHOR REGISTRATION. A single author may have up to a maximum of two papers per AUTHOR REGISTRATION. Author names may be changed or re-ordered after reviewing; however, for budgetary reasons, registration fees will be based on the details at the time of submission and review.

Authors Kit:

Submission site: (choose Track : Posters (2 pages))

Important dates: (March, 17th)

Program Co-Chairs:

Ismaïl Biskri, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (

Doug Talbert (

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