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OP 2025 : Embodying the System: On the Unity of Theoretical and Practical Philosophy in Fichte


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Submission Deadline Sep 30, 2025
Categories    philosophy   fichte   german idealism

Call For Papers

for a topical issue of Open Philosophy

Open Philosophy ( invites submissions for the topical issue “Embodying the System: On the Unity of Theoretical and Practical Philosophy in Fichte,” edited by Gregor Schäfer (University of Basel/University of London).

Johann Gottlieb Fichte presents his writings in two sections: Whilst the Doctrine of Science (Wissenschaftslehre), in the sequence of its different elaborations from the early Jena period to the later Berlin period, is the central point of reference in his theoretical philosophy, the works on issues such as his conceptions of nature, anthropology, moral philosophy and ethics, politics, economy, history, or religion – including the exoteric writings addressing the general public such as the Addresses to the German Nation – obviously are part of what one rather would understand as practical philosophy. This external division, however, does not imply that one could separate these two sides in the form of an abstract dualism: It is, on the contrary, rather from the very beginning onward that, in the post-Kantian context, Fichte is concerned with the challenge of how to systematically-methodologically bring together theory and its practical ‘application,’ thinking and acting, ideality and reality. For Fichte, philosophy is not just empirically but intrinsically connected with historical time, i.e., with the present epoch facing, in the aftermath of the French Revolution, the beginning of political modernity and its challenges, including all the practical needs and interests inscribed in this present time – hereby articulating, as the title of his philosophy of history prominently has it, The Characteristics of the Present Age. As well as the Doctrine of Science, strictly following the methodological path of its own logic, is characterized by a performative dimension according to which systematic thinking realizes itself, out of the very immanence of its systematicity, as a practical activity engaging ‘our’ own participation, the portions of Fichte’s philosophy that address practical interests cannot be separated from the theoretical foundation. Constituting a complex unity, the two spheres are connected throughout, resulting in an overall structure and process in which theoretical philosophy – precisely as theoretical philosophy – is practical, forced to realize itself, and in which, at the same time, practical philosophy embodies and performs the systematic core of theoretical reflection instead of being its merely external application.

The present collection aims to focus on this complex constellation and, for this purpose, invites contributions dwelling on the unity of theoretical and practical philosophy in Fichte from various perspectives.

Contributions may include – but do not have to be limited to – the following areas:

· The immanently practical, ethical-political character of Fichte’s Doctrine of Science (in any of its elaborations), resp. of his entire systematic conception.

· The systematic place and function of Fichte’s conceptions of practical issues such as ethics, politics, or history and the unity and tension between ideality and reality hereby at stake.

· Connections between the transcendental structure of philosophy and praxis in Fichte and/or, with a focus on Fichte, in other philosophers.

· Fichte’s conceptions of nature, of body and embodiment, of moral and political acting, of history, art, or religion as constitutive links between ideality and reality.

· Different aspects of the relationships between idealism and realism in Fichte and, focusing on Fichte, in German Idealism in general.

· Fichte’s understanding of the present age as an integral part of his philosophy.

· The multiple forms, styles, and modalities Fichte applies in presenting his philosophy and the performative and rhetoric figures of addressing and activating the ‘public’ (Publikum) as a practical ‘us’ or of personifications such as the ‘vocation of man’ or the ‘scholar’ hereby constitutively involved.

· Fichte’s understanding of the specifically performative character of thinking and of acting.

· Possible dialogues between Fichte’s philosophy and other philosophers and philosophical conceptions – such as particularly, in German Idealism, Kant, Hegel, and Schelling or, in the post-idealist context, the Marxist, phenomenological, or existentialist traditions – related to the question of the unity of theoretical and practical philosophy.

· The critical potential of this overall theme and its possible impact on contemporary discussions and debates.

Authors publishing their articles in the special issue will benefit from:

· transparent, comprehensive and fast peer review,

· efficient route to fast-track publication and full advantage of De Gruyter's e-technology,

· free language assistance for authors from non-English speaking regions.

Because Open Philosophy is published under an Open Access model, as a rule, publication costs should be covered by so called Article Publishing Charges (APC), paid by authors, their affiliated institutions, funders or sponsors.

Authors without access to publishing funds are encouraged to discuss potential discounts or waivers with Managing Editor of the journal Katarzyna Tempczyk ( before submitting their manuscripts.

Submissions will be collected from September 1 to September 30, 2025. There are no specific length limitations.

To submit an article for the special issue of Open Philosophy, authors are asked to access the online submission system at:

Please choose as article type: Embodying the System

Before submission the authors should carefully read over the Instruction for Authors, available at:

All contributions will undergo critical review before being accepted for publication.

Further questions about this thematic issue can be addressed to Gregor Schäfer at In case of technical problems with submission, please write to

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