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TMS 2025 : Theory and Foundations For Modeling & Simulation Track in SCS Annual Simulation Conference


When May 26, 2025 - May 29, 2025
Where Madrid, Spain
Submission Deadline Jan 25, 2025
Notification Due Mar 7, 2025
Final Version Due Mar 26, 2025

Call For Papers

Theory and Foundations For Modeling & Simulation Track (TMS)

As part of the SCS Annual Simulation Conference (ANNSIM 2025)

May 26-29, 2025
Complutense University of Madrid, Spain


Aims and Scope:
The TMS Track serves as a dynamic platform for showcasing the latest advancements in the Theory and Foundations of Modeling and Simulation. Emphasizing the breadth of concepts, methodologies, practices, and toolkits in the field, the TMS Track invites submissions of unpublished papers that explore these topics and beyond, aiming to enrich and expand the theoretical and foundational aspects of Modeling and Simulation. This initiative seeks contributions that enhance our understanding and development of systems in the fields of networks and computers, cyber-physical systems, applications in nature (physics, chemistry, biology), as well as social applications.

Accepted papers will be submitted to the IEEE Digital Library for archiving (ACM Digital Library confirmation pending) and will be indexed in DBLP and SCOPUS databases

Selected topics include:
Modeling & Simulation Formalisms (Actors, DEVS, Petri nets, Statecharts, etc.)
Multi-formalism Modeling, Hybrid Modeling Languages, Multi-Modal Modeling
Multi-Resolution/Multi-Scale Modeling, Multi-Paradigm/Multi-Domain Modeling
Model Checking, Formalism-Based Model Debugging, Model Transformation
Parallel, Distributed, Real-Time, Cloud-Based, and Interactive Simulation
Modular Hybrid, Spatially Distributed, and Ultra Large-Scale Systems
Co-simulation, Interoperability, Simulation Languages, Numerical Solvers
Embedded, IoT, and Fog Computing Modeling and Simulation Software
Theory for Modeling Cyber-Physical Systems and Digital Twins
Theory and Methodologies for Business Process M&S (Human-in-the-loop, resources modeling, processes optimization, etc.)
Model Development and Simulation Visualization Tools
Model Libraries, Repositories, and Data Formats
Data-driven simulation inferencing and learning

Important Dates:
Paper submission deadline: Jan 19, 2025
Acceptance notification: March 7, 2025
Camera-ready version March: 26, 2025
Conference Program Announced: April 9, 2025

Track Chairs:
Gabriel Wainer, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada,
Paolo Bocciarelli, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy,

Related Resources

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