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Cairn Theology Project Ireland 2024 : Cairn Theology Project Ireland: The Future of Theology


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Submission Deadline Mar 4, 2004
Categories    theology

Call For Papers

The Future of Theology

We are pleased to announce the launch of a new eJournal dedicated to exploring ‘live’ issues in theology. This platform aims to foster intellectual discourse and provide a space for theologians of various stripes in Ireland to share their insights and perspectives on the evolving landscape of theological studies. Theology has always been a dynamic field, constantly adapting to the challenges and questions posed by society and culture.

Our launch edition will explore the future of theology and identify some of the ‘live’ questions that demand our attention. We invite short contributions from scholars, students, and researchers across various disciplines, including theology, philosophy, religious studies, sociology, history, literature, anthropology, and beyond. We encourage submissions that critically engage with the future of theology, addressing questions such as:
1. How can theology respond to the changing religious landscape in an increasingly secular world?
2. What role can theology play in addressing future social, political, and environmental challenges?
3. How can theology contribute to interfaith dialogue in a diverse global society?
4. How can theology incorporate emerging technologies and scientific advancements into its discourse?
5. How can theology engage with contemporary ethical dilemmas and contribute to moral decision-making in the future?
6. How can theology interact with other disciplines?

Contributions should be original and innovative, offering fresh perspectives and insights into the future of theology. We welcome theoretical and empirical approaches and interdisciplinary studies that bridge the gap between theology and other kinds of knowledge. We also welcome poetry, creative writing, journal entries, book reviews, and artwork.

Submissions should be a maximum of 1,000 words. Accepted papers will be published in the inaugural issue of the journal. The deadline for submissions is 4th March 2024. Please submit your papers via email to Include your full name, institutional affiliation (if applicable), a photograph, and a brief biography (100 words max) with your submission.

We look forward to receiving your contributions and engaging in a thought-provoking dialogue on the future of theology.

The Cairn Project Team.

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