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MALALA 2023 : MALALA - Revista do Grupo de Trabalho Oriente Médio e Mundo Muçulmano (GTOMMM)


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Submission Deadline Jun 30, 2023
Categories    history   international relations   politics   interdisciplinary

Call For Papers

Call for papers - Revista Malala, v. 11, n. 14

Malala is a journal of the Group for Middle East and Muslim World Studies (GT OMMM in Portuguese) part of the Laboratory of Asian Studies at the University of São Paulo (USP). We have reached our 14th issue in our 11 years of existence, with many reasons to celebrate. We have conducted more than dozens of interviews with intellectuals, activists, professors related to the theme, both nationally and internationally. We have been pioneers in Brazil being a fully digital publication journal as well as in approaching themes related to the Middle East and Muslim World. Thus far, we have experienced growth within USP, with academic support and the expansion of the Scientific Council, along with happily observing the expansion of this field of study in the public debate.

Throughout this time, we have focused mainly on political themes, but always with an interdisciplinary emphasis and openness to other themes and fields of thought. We have received many contributions from colleagues in many fields such as: Literature, History, Geography, Social Sciences and International Relations. Additionally, we aim to address the growing production of theses and dissertations on the Middle East and Muslim World. Therefore, the Journal encourages newly minted PhDs or Masters graduates to submit a summary of their work or publish an unpublished chapter with us[1].

We value the cultural and ideational debate, which is why we provide a privileged space not only for articles contributions but, especially, for Essays, Intellectual Portraits[2], and Film and Book Reviews[3]. Unlike other journals, our space for reviews is extensive, as our reviews resemble articles, encouraging authors to delve into discussions beyond mere summaries or abstracts of the debates in question. If you are interested, we can indicate some titles for review with follow-up and guidance throughout production.

We are also a scientific publication indexed in relevant national and international databases and have a history of contributions from dozens of countries. Our articles and essays undergo double-blind peer-review, with evaluations from authors who have conducted mature research and that provide important contributions to the debate on Middle East and Muslim World, giving special attention to the debate held in the Brazilian Academic and Public community. In this sense, some recurring themes include: Conflicts and Wars in the Middle East or involving the West; Ethnic conflicts that involve the religious element – mainly within and between different currents within Islam. The Islamism, the religious fundamentalism and their offshoots such as Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, xenophobia, terrorism, Eurocentrism, Orientalism, colonialism and – in the past 10 years – the rise of the extreme right of populist/nationalist leaders in the West around the world. These are all themes that are present and will certainly continue to be extensively debated.

Other themes that intersect with geopolitical and historical issues, particularly those involving Israel, Palestine, and their surroundings or contours, are and will remain highly popular and important in our discussions. Equally relevant are the themes surrounding wars and conflicts, such as the Syrian conflict and its repercussions that also affect countries like Türkiye , Iran, and Lebanon, or the debate on the involvement, motivations, and doctrines of foreign policies that led the USA and other Western countries to wars such as Iraq and Afghanistan. This brings us to the recent Abraham Accords or the diplomatic rapprochements between Iran and Saudi Arabia mediated by China.

Authors and thinkers of, and about, the Islam, as well as figures from historical and contemporary contexts, have always been and will continue to be highlighted in Malala. The challenge of thinking about the relationship between Islam and the West, as well as Muslims as a religious minority is a necessary debate to which we encourage reflection.

Themes related to Human Rights in the West and the Middle East and Muslim World are always on our radar. For instance, is part of our scope of discussion: the role/persecution of women, girls, and children; the juvenile protagonism; religious minorities in Muslim countries; persecution against LGBTQIAPN+ populations; the situation of refugees and asylum seekers; and, more broadly, the challenges of international political organizations in dealing with these issues in a changing world.

Last but not least, there are some themes that we can call the “new global agenda” which we also invite for debate. We are referring, for example, to the impact of climate change on the Middle East and Muslim World, to how the energy crisis affects countries in the Persian Gulf, and to how the demographic changes, primarily in the West, impact on International Politics. Additionally, we consider how China’s rise can reposition regional powers and impact the geopolitics of countries such as Iran, Pakistan, India, and Indonesia (the country with the largest Muslim population in the world). Another question worthy of reflection at this moment is: which Middle East or Muslim World are we referring to when considering International Politics from China’s perspective? Is the Middle East being reconstructed or redesigned to some extent?

For these and other debates, please explore previous issues of the Malala journal:[3].

Submissions are accepted in Portuguese, English, or Spanish and should be made exclusively through the journal's portal at:, observing the publication guidelines accessible through this link:

Deadline for submissions to Malala 14: June 30th, 2023

Editorial Committee - Malala Journal

[1] If you are interested in publishing an interview or presenting a dossier proposal, please contact us via email at

[2] For more details about the size and format of each of these sections, as well as detailed guidelines for publication, please refer to

[3] We also accept photo contributions. Check out our ongoing call for the photo bank of the Journal at:

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