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CE-HICSS 2024 : Computing Education Minitrack - Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences


When Jan 3, 2024 - Jan 6, 2024
Where Hawaii
Submission Deadline Jun 15, 2023
Notification Due Aug 17, 2023
Final Version Due Sep 22, 2023
Categories    computing education   computer science education   COMPUTATIONAL THINKING

Call For Papers

Computing Education (CE) also called Computer Science Education is the teaching and learning Computer Science and/or computational thinking. CE is considered as a subdiscipline of Pedagogy and addresses the wider impact of computer science in the society. In recent years, the teaching of Computing has ceased to be exclusive to higher and postgraduate education and has become a topic of basic education. In some countries it is taught as a specific subject, and in other countries, it is taught in an interdisciplinary way. This led to a significant increase in the number of published studies, investigating various aspects related to the CE.

To advance the literature on CE, this minitrack encourages submissions from any disciplinary background reporting different kinds of studies: e.g., empirical studies, case studies, methods and techniques, conceptual frameworks, and literature reviews. Beyond the title of the minitrack, the minitrack covers research and practice framed as related to neighboring concepts such as: computing educators, instructional designers, teacher educators, school administrators, policy makers, and other actors involved with CE:

- Students: e.g., studies on the effects of different technologies (digital or not) on computing students’ experience, behavior, performance, etc.
- Educational science: e.g., educational theories behind CE and its application.
- Culture: e.g., socio-cultural relations involving CE, Anthropology, and poetics in CE, bodies, gender, identity and politics in CE, etc.
Pedagogy: pedagogical aspects (e.g., collaborative learning, blended learning, cognitive process, intellectual skills, edutainment, and others) in CE.
- Learning analytics: e.g., instruments for measure skills behind computer science, adaptivity and personalization in CE.
- Teaching strategies: e.g., unplugged computer science, robotics, visual languages, innovative didactic materials/techniques, new courses, metacognition, etc.
- Theories/concepts/methods: e.g., contributions to science around CE.
- Ethics: e.g, general ethical aspects involving CE, including those related to impacts of cybersecurity to society.
- Computation thinking: e.g, general aspects involving Computation Thinking.
Curricula: e.g., CE for K2-K12, multidisciplinary, connected and interdisciplinary approaches involving CE, international curricula.

Authors of accepted papers have the option to fast-track extended versions of their HICSS papers to Smart Learning Environments.

Minitrack Co-Chairs:
Wilk Oliveira (Primary Contact)
Tampere University

Pasqueline Dantas
Federal University of Paraíba

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