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Lexis-Grammar Interface 2008 : CIL Workshop on the Lexis-Grammar Interface


When Jul 21, 2008 - Jul 26, 2008
Where Seoul, Korea
Submission Deadline Aug 31, 2007
Notification Due Nov 30, 2007
Categories    linguistics

Call For Papers

A number of present linguists consider the interface between lexis and grammar as a key issue in the formal description of languages. This trend originated in the 1960's in North America and Europe. It gained momentum in the last 10 years with the increasing development of computer-aided language resource management and natural language processing. The linguistic motivation for studying the lexis-grammar interface is the large degree of interdependency between the lexicon and the grammar of any language, in particular at the syntactic and semantic levels. Lexical items show an idiosyncratic behaviour with regard to numerous syntactic constructions and semantic properties. The formalization of rules in a grammar cannot be dissociated from the treatment of irregularity, since these two aspects are complementary. The practical construction of a syntactico-semantic grammar involves such lexicological tasks as the separation of homographic words into distinct lexical items. Thus, there is a sort of continuum between lexis and syntax. A few hot topics within this general line of research are: phraseology and multi-word expressions, constructions with support verbs (or light verbs) and predicative nouns, semantic classification of predicates and nouns, productivity of syntactic constructions. Thus, the issue of lexis-grammar interface is relevant to a number of existing traditions and communities:

- Construction Grammar and Frame Semantics (Charles Fillmore),
- the Lexicon-Grammar methodology (â?  Maurice Gross),
- the Object Class community (Gaston Gross),
- Lexico-grammar (John Sinclair),
- the VerbNet framework (Martha Palmer).

In addition, such a workshop will be of interest for specialists of natural language processing with manually constructed language resources, e.g. in the HPSG (Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar) and LFG (Lexical Functional Grammar) frameworks.

Important Dates:

â?? August 31, 2007: Deadline for submitting the abstract.
â?? November 30, 2007: Notification of acceptance.

Form and submission of abstracts:

An abstract(.pdf or .doc file) should be up to 3 pages long, including data and references.
The abstract should start with the title of the paper, followed by the text of the abstract.

Please do not include the author's name in the abstract. On a separate page, please give
the author's name, affiliation, e-mail address, telephone number, mailing address, the paper title and the session number(title).

Please send the abstract and the author's information to both and

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