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ICCP 2011 : IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography


When Apr 8, 2011 - Apr 10, 2011
Where Pittsburgh, USA
Submission Deadline Nov 2, 2010
Notification Due Jan 5, 2011
Categories    computational photography

Call For Papers

The field of Computational Photography seeks to create new photographic functionalities and experiences that go beyond what is possible with traditional cameras and image processing tools. Submissions on the following topics are encouraged:

Computational Cameras:
The use of optical coding followed by computational decoding to produce new or enhanced images and videos. Examples include catadioptric, coded aperture, integral/plenoptic, coded exposure, lensless, assorted pixel, compressive, holographic and depth imaging. Novel computational image detectors that facilitate the creation of new images are also included.

Multiple Images and Camera Arrays:
The use of multiple images captured sequentially or simultaneously followed by processing to produce new or enhanced images. Examples include mosaicing, creation of collages and montages, refocusing, and light field rendering. Also included are the use of multiple images to achieve high dynamic range, extended depth of field, super-resolution, denoising, multispectral imaging and polarization imaging.

Computational Illumination:
The use of programmable light sources to capture images followed by processing to produce new or enhanced images. Examples include structured light for depth/normal estimation, image based relighting, flash/no-flash methods for image enhancements, separation of reflection components, detection of material properties and light transport measurement and manipulation.

Advanced Image and Video Processing:
The use of innovative computational methods to break the fundamental limits of traditional image processing and produce new or enhanced images. Examples include the use of image priors for enhancement, image matting, image filling, and view interpolation.

Scientific Photography and Videography:
The use of imaging systems to gather quantitative information about physical systems and processes as diverse as individual cells and galaxies. Examples include application in microscopy, biomedical imaging, remote sensing and astronomy.

Organizing and Exploiting Photo and Video Collections:
The development of novel techniques for intelligent browsing as well as the use of image collections to produce new or enhanced visual media. Examples include hole filling, intelligent compositing, object recognition/classification based image manipulation, and organizing and navigating large image collections.

Advanced topics in optics:
The development of techniques for wavefront coding, light field sensing, compressive optical sensing, digital holography, unusual form-factor cameras and optical superresolution.

Important Dates

Submission of full paper:
November 2, 2010 11:59 PM EST

Submission of supplementary materials:
November 6, 2010 11:59 PM EST

Reviews due:
December 15, 2010.

Notification of acceptance:
January 5, 2011

April 8-9-10, 2011

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