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When Nov 8, 2010 - Nov 11, 2010
Where São Paulo,SP,Brazil
Submission Deadline Sep 10, 2010
Notification Due Oct 5, 2010
Final Version Due Oct 10, 2010
Categories    computer vision   augmented reality   mixed reality   virtual reality

Call For Papers

VII Workshop de Realidade Virtual e Aumentada - WRVA 2010
São Paulo, SP, Brazil, November 8th to 11th, 2010

Paper submission deadline: September 10th, 2010 (extended)

the Brazilian Society of Computing (SBC) and University Mackenzie, is a
national scientific forum for the exchange of experience and knowledge
among researchers, professionals, practitioners, students and developers
concerned with research and development of virtual environments, virtual,
augmented and mixed reality systems.

Stimulating, original and innovative research papers as well as case
studies and applications in the general field of virtual and augmented
reality should be submitted.

Topics include, but are not limited to:

* Augmented and mixed reality;
* Collaborative virtual environments;
* Hardware graphics acceleration;
* Image based modeling and rendering;
* Innovative 3D input and output devices;
* Innovative 3D interaction techniques;
* Interactive modeling, rendering, and animation;
* Internet-based 3D applications;
* Multimodal Interaction;
* Multi-resolution modeling and rendering;
* Networked virtual environments;
* Real-time simulation, animation and visualization;
* Real-time graphics techniques;
* Social, economical impacts of virtual and augmented reality;
* Tele-collaboration and teleoperation;
* Video-based interaction;
* Virtual humans and avatars;
* Virtual and augmented reality applications in any area;
* Virtual and augmented reality for scientific visualization;
* Virtual and augmented reality system development;
* VRML, X3D and related web-based technologies;
* Technical impacts of virtual and augmented reality

Papers must be submitted electronically using the IEEE CS Press 2-column
8.5 x 11-inch proceedings format
and should be written in English or Portuguese..

Papers must have a maximum of 6 pages. The submission site is

Important Dates:


Submission September, 10th, 2010
Notification of acceptance October, 5th, 2010
Camera ready October, 10th, 2010

* Organizing Committee *

Luciano Silva – Presidente - MACKENZIE
Beatriz A. Pacheco - Vice-Presidente - MACKENZIE
Ilana de Almeida Souza - MACKENZIE
Ismar Frango Silveira - MACKENZIE
Maria Amélia Eliseo - MACKENZIE

* Program Committee *

Luciano Pereira Soares - Presidente - PUC/RJ
José Remo Ferreira Brega - Vice-Presidente - UNESP/Bauru
Alberto Raposo - PUC-Rio
Alexandre Cardoso – UFU
Anderson Maciel – UFRGS
Antonio Carlos Sementille - UNESP
Arthur Augusto Bastos Buccioli - UEMG
Beatriz Pacheco - MACKENZIE
Bianchi Serique Meiguinis - UFPA
Celso Kurashima - UFABC
Claudio Kirner - UNIFEI
Daniela Kutschat Hanns - SENAC-SP
Edgard Afonso Lamounier Júnior - UFU
Eliane Raimann - IFET/GO
Eunice Nunes - UFMT
Ezequiel Roberto Zorzal - IFET/SP
Fátima de Lourdes dos Santos Nunes - USP
Ildeberto Aparecido Rodello - FEARP/USP
José Barbosa Jr. - UFU e IFET/GO
Jucelino Araujo - Iles/Ulbra
Judith Kelner - UFPE
Kenedy Lopes Nogueira - UFU
Liliane Machado - UFPB
Luiz Fernando Braga Lopes - UFU
Marcelo de Paiva - Faculdade Campo Limpo Paulista
Marcio Lobo Netto - USP
Marcos Wagner Souza Ribeiro - UFG - Jataí
Mario Massakuni Kubo - FATEB
Monica Oliveira - UFU
Paulo Bressan - Universidade Federal de Alfenas
Robson Siscoutto - Universidade de Cuiabá
Romero Tori - USP e Senac/SP
Rosa Maria Costa – UERJ
Selan Rodrigues dos Santos - UFRN
Veronica Teichrieb - UFPE
Wender Antônio da Silva - UFRR

For more information, please contact:

Program Chair:
Luciano Pereira Soares - PUC/RJ

Organization Chair:
Luciano Silva - FCI/MACKENZIE

Related Resources

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