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SIGIR eCom 2017 : SIGIR 2017 Workshop on eCommerce


When Aug 11, 2017 - Aug 11, 2017
Where Tokyo
Submission Deadline Jun 25, 2017
Notification Due Jul 14, 2017
Final Version Due Jul 25, 2017
Categories    information retrieval   ecommerce   product search&recommendations   NLP

Call For Papers

SIGIR eCom is a full day workshop taking place on Friday August 11, 2017 in conjunction with SIGIR 2017 in Tokyo, Japan.

Workshop website:

Important Dates:
Submissions Due - June 15, 2017
Notification - June 29, 2017
Camera Ready Version of Papers Due - July 13, 2017
SIGIR eCom Full day Workshop - August 11, 2017

The SIGIR Workshop on eCommerce will serve as a platform for publication and discussion of Information Retrieval and NLP research & their applications in the domain of eCommerce. This workshop will bring together practitioners and researchers from academia and industry to discuss the challenges and approaches to product search and recommendation in eCommerce.

We invite quality research contributions, position and opinion papers addressing relevant challenges in the domain of eCommerce.

We invite submission of papers and posters of two to ten pages (including references), representing original research, preliminary research results, proposals for new work, position and opinion papers. All submitted papers and posters will be single-blind and will be peer reviewed by an international program committee of researchers of high repute. Accepted submissions will be presented at the workshop.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Machine learning techniques such as online learning and deep learning for eCommerce applications
Semantic representation for users, products and services & Semantic understanding of queries
Structured data and faceted search, converting unstructured data to its structured form
The use of domain specific facets in search and other IR tasks, and how those facets are chosen
Temporal dynamics for Search and Recommendation
Models for relevance and ranking for multi-faceted entities
Deterministic (and other) sorting of results lists (e.g. price low to high including postage)
Personalized search and recommendations
Inventory display issues (for example: legal, ethical, and spam)
Cold start issues
Personalization and the use of personal facets such as age, gender, location etc.
Indexing and search in a rapidly changing environment (for example, an auction site)
Diversity in product search and recommendations
Strategies for resolving extremely low (or no) recall queries
Query intent
The use of external features such as reviews and ratings in ranking
User interfaces and personalization
Reviews and sentiment analysis
The use of social signals in ranking and beyond
The balance between business requirements and user requirements (revenue vs relevance)
Live experimentation Desktop and mobile issues
Question and answering, chatbots for eCommerce

Submission Instructions:

All papers will be peer reviewed (single-blind) by the program committee and judged by their relevance to the workshop, especially to the main themes identified above, and their potential to generate discussion. All submissions must be formatted according to the latest ACM SIG proceedings template available at (LaTeX users use sample-sigconf.tex as a template).

Submissions must describe work that is not previously published, not accepted for publication elsewhere, and not currently under review elsewhere. All submissions must be in English.

Please note that at least one of the authors of each accepted paper must register for the workshop and present the paper in-person.

Submissions to SIGIR eCom should be made at

The deadline for paper submission is June 15, 2017

Jon Degenhardt eBay inc., USA
Surya Kallumadi Kansas State University, USA
Maarten de Rijke University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Luo Si Alibaba inc.
Andrew Trotman University of Otago, New Zealand
Xu Yinghui Taobao
Contact: Please direct all your queries to for help.

Workshop website:

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