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DMA-HM 2010 : Concepts and technologies for data management and - analysis in the health market


When Sep 27, 2010 - Oct 2, 2010
Where Leipzig, Germany
Submission Deadline May 9, 2010
Notification Due Jun 2, 2010
Final Version Due Jul 3, 2010
Categories    databases   data management   health   data quality

Call For Papers


The use of data in the health sector for research and a modern environmental health reporting requires collecting, processing, presentation and evaluation of information on the state of health of the (human) population as well as possible risk factors and their dependencies amongst themselves. Health reports give detailed information about illnesses, possible reasons, circumstance of the person concerned, medical care, and about costs and financing. Monitoring the health-related development of our population may assist in health policy and environmental decisions. This applies e.g. to the efficiency of medical care (risk factors, survival, and certain aspects of treatment) and to the identification of those regions which are considered in health political activities in order to reduce mortality or to increase live expectancy.
Health authorities, epidemiological registers, and other public health facilities are of importance for the research on the cause of diseases with the aim for an improved disease prevention.
In order to establish this use of data in various scientific problems successfully, innovative technologies and novel software-tools in data-warehouse context are required which abstract from user domains and which can be adapted to certain user requirements. Furthermore, data-management and -analysis play a crucial role in processing and using data for personal assistant functions, f.e. as in AAL- Technologies.
The quantity of data a user handles daily, such as picture, movie and audio files, already lies in gigabyte range and still continues to rise.
A future aim must be to allow an optimal automatic semantic coverage of such an amount of unstructured data in order to make it available to users purposefully. For this, premium meta data is required which shows the content of semantically valuable concepts. By examining the content, the context, and the involvement of external sources an improvement of semantically valuable meta data is achieved.


The following research questions are relevant for the development of data management- and data analysis systems:
- Data privacy protection and data security: The use of highly sensitive data requires novel data protection and data security concepts while collecting, processing and evaluating certain data (Privacy Preserving Data Mining, Data Ownership concepts).
- Data integration: The integration of data from heterogeneous data sources into a data warehouse and for supplying infrastructures for consistant information logistics requires flexibly applicable concepts and technologies for an efficient data integration.
- Data quality management: Data integration requires new concepts for handling qualitative deficiency of the data, f.e. inconsistencies, redundancy, and incompleteness.
- Data analysis: The evaluation of data collections (f.e. for research purposes) in a data warehouse requires concepts and technologies for an explorative, multi-dimensional data analysis considering the integration of local/regional sourcing and statistics (Temporal Data warehousing).
- Semantic retrieval of digital media: The accumulation of unstructured data with semantically more significant meta data based on a context- and contents-based analysis is the basis for processing and using context purposefully.

- Data privacy protection
- Data security
- Privacy Preserving Data Mining
- Data Ownership
- Data integration
- Temporal Data warehousing
- Data quality management
- Data cleansing
- Data analysis
- Semantic retrieval of digital media

All contributions have to be submitted electronically to Informatik 2010 ( in accordance with the guidelines of the GI-edition “Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI)" ( by 25 April 2010. Please note, that your contribution should not exceed an extent of six pages. Accepted submissions will be published in the GI-edition "Lecture Notes in Informatics". It is expected that at least one editor registers for the conference and presents his/ her contribution. Submissions may be in german or in english. It is possible to submit extended versions of accepted papers. These will be published on a DVD/USB-Stick and should not exceed 12 pages.

Participation in the Workshop requires a registration for Informatik2010 (

- OFFIS Institute for Information Technology, Division Health
- University of Oldenburg, Department of Computing Science
Program Comittee

Hans-Jürgen Appelrath, University of Oldenburg
Stefan Brüggemann, OFFIS Institute for Information Technology, Germany
Sascha Koch, InfoAnalytics AG, Germany
Thomas Lux, Competence Center eHealth Ruhr, Germany
Tassilo Pellegrini, Semantic Web Company, Austria
Beatriz Pérez Valle, Department of Mathematics and Computation, University of La Rioja, Spain
Philipp Daumke, Averbis, Germany
Thomas Brinkhoff, University of Applied Sciences Oldenburg/Ostfriesland/Wilhelmshaven
Christian Mathis, SAP AG, Walldorf

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