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ARIAL@IJCAI 2025 : 8th Workshop on AI for Aging, Rehabilitation, and Intelligent Assisted Living (ARIAL) @IJCAI'25 | |||||||||||||||
Link: https://sites.google.com/view/arial2025/home | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
The 8th edition of ARIAL@IJCAI25 will be held on August 16 - 22, 2025, in Montreal, Canada. In this workshop, we invite previously unpublished and novel submissions in the following areas (pertaining to aging and rehabilitation), but not limited to:
- Methods and protocols for multimodal data collection, data annotation, and data labeling with older adult populations. - Data cleaning, curation, sharing, and harmonization. - Data analytics and visualization techniques for older adults healthcare data. - Methodologies for big data and large-scale machine learning, including cloud computing. - Methods for overcoming challenges in machine learning, such as managing incomplete, imbalanced, miss-labeled and noisy datasets. - Techniques for virtual rehabilitation, virtual coaches, and telemedicine. - Development and deployment of long-term sensor-based remote monitoring systems. - Audio/video, multimodal interaction for patient engagement, exercise monitoring, successful delivery of rehabilitation. - Addressing privacy concerns of patient data, e.g., privacy-protecting sensing modalities, federated learning, and differential privacy. - Machine learning and deep learning algorithms to identify anomalous, harmful, life-threatening, and abnormal behaviors in older care settings. - Machine learning approaches for analyzing electronic health record and administrative data. - AI approaches for continuous streaming, monitoring, and analysis of health, activity, contextual, and online data for older adults. - Techniques for handling data biases, and other biases related to sex, gender, ethnicity, and age (e.g., fair machine learning strategies). - Machine learning methods for measuring health indicators, and progression of physical and cognitive health, e.g., frailty, dementia, mental health, and gait stability. - AI approaches for data fusion from multi-modal sensor interaction and ensemble algorithm development (e.g., multi-view learning approaches) for comprehensive care. - Advanced deep learning techniques for medical informatics, aging and rehabilitation. - Application of LLMs and Generative AI in geriatric healthcare and biomedical data processing. - NLP for enhancing communication and monitoring in elderly care. The paper should be submitted to the ARIAL Workshop using EasyChair link (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=arialijcai2025) in the LNCS/CCIS one-column page format. We will accept long papers (12-15 pages) and short papers (not less than 6 pages). All the accepted papers will be published in the Springer's Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) proceedings volume. For further details, please reach out to shehroz.khan@utoronto.ca / luca.romeo@unimc.it. |