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MENDEL 2019 : 25th International Conference on Soft Computing – MENDEL


When Jul 10, 2019 - Jul 12, 2019
Where Brno, Czech Republic
Submission Deadline May 10, 2019
Categories    artificial intelligence   machine learning   evolutionary computation   soft computing

Call For Papers

International Conference on Soft Computing MENDEL

MENDEL conference is a platform for a theoretical and practical exchange of knowledge in fields covered by Evolutionary Computation, Genetic Programming, Swarm Intelligence, Neural Networks, Deep Learning, Fuzzy Logic, Big Data, Chaos, Bayesian Methods, Optimization, Intelligent Image Processing, and Bio-inspired Robotics.

MENDEL presents the latest high-quality results since 1995, and it is one of the oldest conferences in the field of Evolutionary Computation in the world.

The Main Conference Sessions include

* Evolutionary Computing Techniques
* Swarm Intelligence and Multi-agent Systems
* Mathematical and Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms
* Artificial Neural Networks, Deep Learning, Machine Learning
* Intelligent Control, Bio-Inspired Robotics, Path Planning
* Intelligent Image Processing, Computer Vision
* Chaos Theory, Fractals, Self-organization
* Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Bayesian Methods
* Advanced Statistics, Data Mining

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