Rich semantics supports detailed information organization for the contents of documents, across documents, and even across resources in different modalities. In its strongest form, rich semantics provides highly-structured direct representations. This workshop welcomes papers on new directions for frameworks using such rich information organization. Rich semantics goes beyond simple models for linked data such as those using RDF-based triples and beyond ad hoc ontologies. Rather, rich semantic frameworks may include complex entities, dynamic models, schemas, systems, and descriptive programs. Interdisciplinary work which combines approaches from areas such as LIS, linguistics, programming languages, philosophy, jurisprudence, sociology, discourse, and system analysis, and intelligent agents is particularly welcome. Examples of services based on these high-level structures are also welcome. In addition, the workshop will consider descriptions of rich semantic information organization in specific areas including biology, law, medicine, history, and biography. Work on upper ontologies should go beyond existing frameworks or show how they can be applied to especially complex scenarios. Work on text mining should emphasize significant, novel, and general semantic structures.
JCDL 2017 Workshop,
early decision for submissions upon request