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CGCT 2010 : Collaborative and Grid Computing Technologies


When Apr 19, 2010 - Apr 21, 2010
Where Cancun, Mexico
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    grid   distributed computing   parallel computing   communications technology

Call For Papers

Collaborative and Grid Computing Technologies
19nd to 21th April, 2010
Cancun, México

The general goal of the meeting is to bring together distinguished researchers from around the world and México to present and discuss the latest advances in Collaborative and Grid Technologies area.

Meeting Goals
The general goal of the workshop is to bring together distinguished researchers from around the world and Mexico to present and discuss the latest advances in Collaborative and Grid Technologies area.

The specific goals of the workshop are:

Identify the latest developments in grid and collaborative computing technologies
Identify joint research opportunities in the fields of grid and collaborative computing technologies
Form multidisciplinary groups that will start joint research initiatives integrated by researchers form around the world
Outline the main issues contained in the European Unions Framework Program 7 for scientific research, as well a current programs funded by the National Science Foundation and other scientific research programs and discuss opportunities for possible joint research projects.
It is envisaged that this will help to establish further collaboration with key partners in Mexico.

There will be series of talks and discussions on the future developments.

Extended versions of the best papers of the workshop will be published in a special issue of the journal (to confirm).

International Collaboration
This workshop presents a unique opportunity for collaboration under the EU Framework 7 Program. This program will direct 12,756 Million Euro to research in Information and Communications Technology and 44,735 Million Euro for research in collaboration [1]. Both the horizontal theme of grid computing [1] and the vertical theme of collaborative computing technologies are included in FP 7 as priority areas [1].

At the moment, several FP7 call for participations remain open in the field of Information and Communications Technology, such as:

FP7-ICT-2 (Collaboration)

FP7-ICT-FET (Future and Emerging Technologies)

Also, there are several areas funds available for collaboration between Mexican researchers and researcher in the United States, accessed mainly through the National Science Foundation call such as:


PIRE (Partnerships for Research)

This workshop, organized by Tecnologico de Monterrey, Emory University and the University of Reading, will improve the possibilities to participate in FP 7 research projects. All participants, Mexican and non Mexican, are associated to prestigious research institutions and universities, with long experience in proposal integration and international collaboration.

Particularly, Reading University s one of the most endowed universities in the United Kingdom, among the universities such as Oxford, Imperial College and Cambridge. Emory University in Atlanta is also very prestigious and participates in many research projects and collaboration initiatives. One important participant is Oak Ridge National Laboratory. This research facility has programs that aim to solve the so called “Grand Challenge” problems, which require massive amounts of computing power to solve.

Workshop Program Committee and Participants
The program committee is formed by the following researchers:

Prof. Vaidy Sunderam - Emory University (Program Chair for the Americas)
Prof. Vassil Alexandrov - University of Reading
Dr. Raul Ramirez - ITESM, Mexico
Prof. Dieter Kranzlmueller - Institut fuer Informatik der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen, University of Munich, Munich, Germany
Prof. Ivan Dimov - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and University of Reading
Prof. Stephen Scott - Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
Dr. Jose Moreira - IBM, USA
Prof. Maciej Koutny - University of Newcastle, UK
Prof. Paolo Cremoneze - Politecnica di Milano, Italy.
Dr. Andrei Tchernykh - CICESE, Ensenada, Mexico.
Prof. Vaidy Sunderam, from Emory University, is a researcher for the Samuel Candler Dobbs Research Chair and Chair of the Computer Science department. Vassil Alexandrov is a researcher for the School of Engineering at University of Reading and Director of the Center for Advanced and Emerging Technologies.

Workshop Information
The workshop will take place on 19th, 20th and 21st April, 2010 in Cancun, Mexico at the NH-Krystal. A participation of between 30 and 40 researchers is expected from many different countries.

Organizing Committee

Prof. Vassil Alexandrov - University of Reading (

Dr. Raul Ramirez Velarde - ITESM, Campus Monterrey, Mexico (

The main Topics to be covered at the workshop are:

Software as a Service
Grid/Cloud Computing
Web Services and Semantic Web
Web 2.0 Technology
Tools and Environments for Advanced Computing Collaboration
Scalable Algorithms
Mathematical Modeling of Complex Systems
3Di and 3D Internet
Abstract Submission Deadline
Monday 15th March 2010. Please send your half page abstracts to Dr Raul V. Ramirez Velarde ( Please include registration form if you are requesting financial aid (provided by CONACYT, see below).

To Register
The registration fee is £150 (GBP). Deadline is Friday 2nd April 2010 at 3pm UK time. The fee will then rise to £200 (GBP). Credit/Debit Card Payment

If you wish to pay by credit or debit card then please fax or email the completed credit/debit card payment form to Linda Mogort-Valls at the University of Reading (

Bank Transfer

If you wish to pay by bank transfer then use the details below to the bank account detailed below, inserting your name into the reference as indicated. Please note that you are required to cover all bank charges involved in this transaction.

Account Name: The University of Reading - Receipts Account
Bank: Natwest Bank (13 Market Place, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 2EP, UK)
Account Number: 88658953 (GBP Only)
Sort Code: 60-17-21
IBAN: GB53NWBK 6017 2188 6589 53
Reference: CGCTW for [name]
The meeting hotel is the NH Krystal Cancun. The room rate is 990 Mexican Pesos (about 45 GBP per night). Please contact the hotel directly to book rooms.

NH Krystal Cancun Blvd. Kukulkan Km. 9 Lotes 9 y 9a Cancun, Q. Roo Mexico TEL. +52-(998) 848 98 14 and +52-(998) 848 98 15

Organizing Committee
Prof. Vassil Alexandrov - University of Reading (

Dr. Raul Ramirez Velarde - ITESM, Campus Monterrey, Mexico (

Further Information
For further information please contact:

Dr. Raul V. Ramirez Velarde
Computer Science Department
Tecnologico de Monterrey
Tel. +52-(81)-83582000, +52-(81)-83581400 ext 4536 (Subext 105)
Fax. +52-(81)-83284496


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