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IEEDC 2017 : 1st International Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development Conference


When Nov 16, 2017 - Nov 18, 2017
Where Cape Town
Abstract Registration Due Mar 1, 2017
Submission Deadline May 30, 2017
Notification Due Jun 30, 2017
Final Version Due Sep 30, 2017
Categories    entrepreneurship   business

Call For Papers

The theme for the 2017 International Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development Conference 2017 is:

Extending Entrepreneurship Research in New Directions: De-mystifying the Generation Z Entrepreneurs and their Probable Impact on Emerging Economies.

The vision is to advance knowledge about “Generation Z”, the generation born after the millennials that re-emerging as the next phenomenon for market researchers, cultural observers, and trend forecasters. There is currently an outpouring of scholarly interests in this demographic juggernauts and they are primed to become the dominant influencers of tomorrow in technology. They are considered to be the first truly digital native generation. In entrepreneurship, they have been described as people with “entrepreneurship in their DNA”. It is anticipated that Generation Z will influence marketing, branding, controversial political issues and change the discourse on race relations. While some demographics still lump them in with millennials, many researchers are increasingly beginning to see them as a breed apart. According to a survey of risky behaviors by the center for Disease Control and Prevention, the percentage of high school students who had had at least one drink of alcohol in their lives declined by about 66 percent in 2013, from about 82 percent in 1991. The number who reported never or rarely wearing a seatbelt while sitting in the passenger’s seat also declined by 8 percent, compared with about 26 percent in 1991. Given the inevitability of this generational disruption, there is a responsibility upon the research community to amp the discourse and deepen understanding of the strategic implication of Generation Z in relation to entrepreneurship in emerging economies.

The International Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development Conference will bring together policy-makers, researchers, academics and entrepreneurs from Africa and around the world to make strategic contributions to the discourse in the context of post-millennial entrepreneurship and enterprise development agenda. The conference will provide an opportunity to assess the probable impact of Generation Z on current business strategies; gender inequality and women empowerment; and formal and informal business development agendas. In addition, the conference will highlight lessons learnt from the Millennials and identify remaining gaps challenges and emerging issues in relation to Generation Z. It will encompass in-depth presentations of policy-oriented research by both academics and emerging researchers from the continent and around the world who will debate and recommend policy options on entrepreneurship that will enhance growth potentials and increased start-up with this “new generation of entrepreneurs”.

Thematic Focus of the Conference

The aim of this conference is to provide a fresh new perspective on Generation Z and entrepreneurship and to co-create knowledge and expertise that can feed joint learning, innovative practices and evidence-based policymaking for successfully promoting entrepreneurship and gender-just inclusive growth around the world. We are seeking contributions reflecting different perspectives, and methodological approaches that explore Generation Z and entrepreneurship at the macro, meso or micro level of analysis, and across a range of international economic contexts, cultures or industry sectors. Papers are particularly sought from researchers in geographic regions not currently or sufficiently represented in Generation Z literature and where gender inequality still dominates the discourse, specifically Africa, Asia and South America. While empirical contributions are strongly encouraged, theoretical and conceptual papers which address the contextualization of Generation Z and wider aspects of the entrepreneurship debate are particularly welcome.

The tracks include but are not limited to the following:
• The drivers, mechanisms and impact of the Gen Z on entrepreneurship
• The nature of Gen Z, including its stereotypes, spatial dynamics and their gendered effects
• The changing configuration of state-market-civil society relations, including diverse forms of governance, regulation, resistance, and social welfare
• Different forms and disruptive influences of Gen Z including global civil society, social movements, migration, and climate change
• Global value chains and production networks, industrial clusters and other organizational forms with new implications for economic, social, and environmental upgrading in the new era of Gen Z
• How socio-economic institutions and global political economy shapes, and is shaped by Gen Z
• Industrial structure, nature of competition and performance within and across national/regional economies in the new era of Gen Z
• Strategic implications for the informal sector in the digital era of Gen Z
• Gen Z and the implications for HR, marketing and brand positioning
• The forms, processes and consequences of financialization in the new era of Gen Z

Panel proposals are also welcome. All panel proposers should submit abstracts along with the names of their panellists. Abstracts and proposals should indicate the track and should be sent to

Expected Outputs

The outputs of this conference are expected to include
• A conference report: a summary of key findings as well as key policy recommendations distilled from the conference keynote speakers;
• A book of abstract and Conference Proceedings published by AOSIS Publishing (Pty)
• A special issue of the Southern African Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management (SAJESBM) containing the most innovative articles of policy and operational relevance.
These publications will find useful applications in policy-making for political and in defining strategic priorities for business leaders.

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