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IEEE Shanghai ACPEE 2024 : 2024 9th Asia Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering (ACPEE 2024)


When Apr 11, 2024 - Apr 13, 2024
Where Shanghai
Submission Deadline Feb 29, 2024
Categories    power   energy   smart grid   electrical engineering

Call For Papers

2024 9th Asia Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering (ACPEE 2024)
April 11-13, 2024 | Shanghai, China

2024 9th Asia Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering (ACPEE 2024) will be hosted in Shanghai, China from April 11 to 13, 2024, which is organized by Shanghai Jiao Tong University , technically sponsored by IEEE PES, Auckland University of Technology, Tianjin University, Sichuan University, Shanghai Electric Power University , supported by Hong Kong Society of Mechanical Engineers(HKSME), IEEE PES Chongqing Chapter, IEEE IAS Shanghai Chapter, Proceedings of the CSEE, CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems(CSEE JPES), Automation of Electric Power Systems, Power System Protection and Control, Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University, Global Energy Interconnection, Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy(MPCE), Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems (PCMP), Power System Technology, High Voltage Engineering, High Voltage, Electric Power Information and Communication Technology, Global Energy Interconnection, Electric Power Automation Equipment, media supported by Journals Center of China Electric Power Research Institute, Electric Machines and Control, Electric Machines & Control Application, Journal of Electric Power Construction (EPC) and Energy Conversion and Economics .The theme of ACPEE 2024 is "Innovation and Advanced Technologies of Power Systems in the Low-Carbon Era".

●Publication & Indexing
1)All the accepted and presented papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore (ISBN:979-8-3503-0963-8) subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements.

2) Selected papers with great extension will be recommended to publish in Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems, Power System Protection and Control.

3) Selected papers with great extension will be recommended to publish in following journals:
CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems(CSEE JPES), High Voltage, Proceedings of the CSEE, Power system Technology, High Voltage Engineering, Electric Power Information and Communication Technology

4) Selected papers with great extension will be recommended to publish in Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University.

5) Selected papers with great extension will be recommended to publish in Electric Power Automation Equipment.

Prof. Saifur Rahman
2023 IEEE President and CEO
Virginia Tech Advanced Research Institute, USA
Professor Saifur Rahman is the founding director of the Advanced Research Institute at Virginia Tech, USA where he is the Joseph R. Loring professor of electrical and computer engineering. He also directs the Center for Energy and the Global Environment. He is a Life Fellow of the IEEE and an IEEE Millennium Medal winner. He is the 2023 IEEE President & CEO. He was the president of the IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) for 2018 and 2019. He was the founding editor-in-chief of the IEEE Electrification Magazine and the IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy. He has published over 160 journal papers and has made over six hundred conference and invited presentations. In 2006 he served on the IEEE Board of Directors as the vice president for publications. He is a distinguished lecturer for the IEEE Power & Energy Society and has lectured on renewable energy, energy efficiency, smart grid, energy internet, blockchain, IoT sensor integration, etc. in over 30 countries. He is the founder of BEM Controls, LLC, a Virginia (USA)-based software company providing building energy management solutions. He served as the chair of the US National Science Foundation Advisory Committee for International Science and Engineering from 2010 to 2013. He has conducted several energy efficiency, blockchain and sensor integration projects for Duke Energy, Tokyo Electric Power Company, the US National Science Foundation, the US Department of Defense, the US Department of Energy and the State of Virginia. He has a PhD in electrical engineering from Virginia Tech.Virginia Tech Advanced Research Institute, USA

Prof Chi-yung CHUNG
IEEE Fellow
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China
Prof. Chung received the B.Eng. degree (with First Class Honors) and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China, in 1995 and 1999, respectively. He has worked for the University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada; Powertech Labs, Inc., Surrey, BC, Canada; the University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada; and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China. His research interests include smart grid, micro grid, renewable energy, power system stability/control, planning and operation, applications of advanced optimization methods, power markets and electric vehicle charging. Prof. Chung has also been very active in professional societies. He was the Member-at-Large (Smart Grid) and Member-at-Large (Global Outreach) of IEEE PES Governing Board, the IEEE PES Region 10 North Chapter Representative, and a member of IEEE PES Fellow Evaluation Committee. He was the Past Chairman of the IEEE Hong Kong Section, IEEE Hong Kong Joint Chapter of PES/IAS/PELS/IES and IET Hong Kong PES. He was the General Chair of IEEE EPEC2017 and IEEE PES APPEEC2014, Co-Chair of IEEE TENCON2015, IEEE PES APPEEC2013 and IEEE ICHQP2012, Vice-Chairman of IET APSCOM 2015 and IET APSCOM2012, Technical Chairman of IET APSCOM2009, and Honorary Secretary of IEEE DRPT2004 and IEEE IAS 2005 Annual Meeting.

Prof. Dean Sharafi
Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO)
Dean Sharafi is heading up the System Design and Transformation Group of the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO). Dean holds a degree in Applied Physics, a degree in Electrical Engineering and a degree in Business Management. He has around 30 years of experience in power system engineering which includes Power System Protection, High Voltage Systems, Asset Management and Power System and Electricity Market Operation. He is a member of Australian Institute of Management, Cigre, Engineers Australia, senior member and distingushed lectrure of the IEEE. Dean has been actively involved with IEEE Power and Energy Society initiatives and Cigre Working Groups over the last decade and has served as a member of the Governing Board of the IEEE PES from 2017 to 2022. Dean has published many papers on power system protection, condition monitoring, asset management and power system operations. He lectured for a decade as a Sessional Academic on Power System Earthing at Curtin University in Western Australia.

Prof. Frede Blaabjerg
Aalborg University, Denmark
He was with ABB-Scandia, Randers, Denmark, from 1987 to 1988. From 1988 to 1992, he got the PhD degree in Electrical Engineering at Aalborg University in 1995. He became an Assistant Professor in 1992, an Associate Professor in 1996, and a Full Professor of power electronics and drives in 1998. From 2017 he became a Villum Investigator. He is honoris causa at University Politehnica Timisoara (UPT), Romania and Tallinn Technical University (TTU) in Estonia. His current research interests include power electronics and its applications such as in wind turbines, PV systems, reliability, harmonics and adjustable speed drives. He has published more than 600 journal papers in the fields of power electronics and its applications. He is the co-author of four monographs and editor of ten books in power electronics and its applications. He has received 30 IEEE Prize Paper Awards, the IEEE PELS Distinguished Service Award in 2009, the EPE-PEMC Council Award in 2010, the IEEE William E. Newell Power Electronics Award 2014 and the Villum Kann Rasmussen Research Award 2014. He was the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS from 2006 to 2012. He has been Distinguished Lecturer for the IEEE Power Electronics Society from 2005 to 2007 and for the IEEE Industry Applications Society from 2010 to 2011 as well as 2017 to 2018. In 2019-2020 he serves a President of IEEE Power Electronics Society. He is Vice-President of the Danish Academy of Technical Sciences too. He is nominated in 2014-2018 by Thomson Reuters to be between the most 250 cited researchers in Engineering in the world.

Prof. Yi Zhang
IEEE Fellow
RTDS Technologies Inc., Canada
Dr. Yi Zhang joined RTDS Technologies Inc. in 2000, where he now serves as Vice-President R&D and Chief Technology Officer (CTO). He has over 32 years of experiences working in power system simulation and analysis. His expertise includes Real Time EMT Simulation, Voltage Stability and HVDC, etc. As a principal member of the RTDS development team, he developed many simulation models on RTDS Real Time Simulator in the past 23 years. At present, Dr. Zhang leads the research and development activities in RTDS Technologies. He also serves as an adjunct professor at the University of Manitoba Canada and Hunan University China, and an editor of IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. Dr. Zhang is a Fellow of IEEE, a Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering and a registered professional engineer in the province of Manitoba.

Prof. Jinjun Liu
IEEE Fellow
Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
Jinjun Liu received the B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU), Xi’an, China, in 1992 and 1997, respectively.
He then joined the XJTU Electrical Engineering School as a faculty. From late 1999 to early 2002, he was with the Center for Power Electronics Systems, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, USA, as a Visiting Scholar. In late 2002, he was promoted to a Full Professor and then the Head of the Power Electronics and Renewable Energy Center at XJTU. He is currently a XJTU Distinguished Professor of Power Electronics. His research interests include modeling, control, and design methods for power converters and electronified power systems, power quality control and utility applications of power electronics, and micro-grids for sustainable energy and distributed generation.
Dr. Liu received for many times governmental awards at national level or provincial/ministerial level for scientific research/teaching achievements. He also received the 2006 Delta Scholar Award, the 2014 Chang Jiang Scholar Award, the 2014 Outstanding Sci-Tech Worker of the Nation Award, the 2016 State Council Special Subsidy Award, the IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 2016 and 2021 Prize Paper Awards, the Nomination Award for the Grand Prize of 2020 Bao Steel Outstanding Teacher Award, and the 2022 Fok Ying Tung Education and Teaching Award. He served as an Associate Editor for the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS since 2006, 2015-2019 Executive Vice President and 2020-2021 Vice President of IEEE PELS, and was elevated IEEE Fellow in 2018. He was the Vice President for International Affairs, China Power Supply Society (CPSS) from 2013 to 2021, and since 2016, the inaugural Editor-in-Chief of CPSS Transactions on Power Electronics and Applications. He was elected the President of CPSS in Nov. 2021. Since 2013, he has been serving as the Vice Chair of the Chinese National Steering Committee for College Electric Power Engineering Programs.

Prof. Sorin OLARU
Laboratory of Signals and Systems (CNRS)
University Paris-Saclay, France
Sorin Olaru graduated in electrical engineering from the University “Politehnica” Bucharest (UPB) in 2001 where he also obtained the M.Sc. in 2002, being awarded the EU’s Archimedes Prize. He obtained the PhD from the University Paris XI in Orsay, France in 2005, and the PhD Cum Laude from UPB in 2010. Since 2012 he is Habilitated Professor of Control Engineering at CentraleSupélec, within the University Paris-Saclay. Currently he is leading the RTE Chair on “The Digital Transformation of Electricity Networks” and is a senior member of IEEE. His research interests encompass the optimization-based control design, set-theoretic characterization of constrained dynamical systems and the resilience of networked control systems. He was the chair of the IFAC Workshop on Control Applications of Optimization held jointly with the International Conference on Discrete Equations and Applications in 2022. He will be the general chair of the Power Systems Computation Conference to be held in 2024 in Paris-Saclay.


●Special Sessions
Special Session I-New-type Power System Operation & Planning
Chair: Yue Xiang, Sichuan University, China
Vice Session Chair: Shenxi Zhang, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
Vice Session Chair: Ran Li, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China

Special Session II-Energy Storage and Multi-Energy Integration
Chair: Youbo Liu, Sichuan University, China
Vice Session Chair: Zao Tao, Hangzhou Dianzi University, China

Special Session III-Facilitating demand side resource utilization:mechanism and technology
Chair: Bochao Zhao, Tianjin University, China
Vice Session Chair: Rufeng Zhang, Northeast Dianli University, China

Special Session IV-Low-carbon Technology for Power and Energy Systems
Chair: Hongjun Gao, Sichuan University, China
Vice Session Chair: Keng Weng Lao, University of Macau

Special Session V-Smart Sensing and Data Analytics for Power System
Chair: Bo Liu, Tianjin University, China
Vice Session Chair: Peng Lu, China Agricultural University, China
Vice Session Chair: Kangping Li, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Vice Session Chair: Fangyuan Si, Beijing Jiaotong University, China

Special Session VI-Al Applications in Power System
Chair: Xinying Wang, China Electric Power Research Institute, China
Vice Session Chair: Shiqian MA, State Grid Tianjin Electric Power Research Institute, China
Vice Session Chair: Tan ZHANG,EDF, China

Special Session VII-Complementary and coordinated operation and control of multi-energy systems
Chair: Wei HU, Tsinghua University, China
Vice Session Chair: Yuehui HUANG, China Electric Power Research Institute
Vice Session Chair: Lei ZHANG, China Three Gorges University, China
Vice Session Chair: Junhui LI, Northeast Electric Power University, China

Special Session VIII-Power system resilience: modeling, analysis and practice
Chair: Lei Chen, Wuhan University, China
Vice Session Chair: Hui Hou, Wuhan University of Technology, China

Special Session IX-Advanced Theory and Applications of Carbon-Zero Transportation Electrification Chair: Shuli Wen, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Vice Session Chair: Yunfei Mu, Tianjin University, China
Vice Session Chair: Kai Ma, Yanshan University
Vice Session Chair: Shanshan Shi, Electric Power Research Institute of Shanghai Electric Power Company, State Grid

Special Session X-Advances in intelligent sensing and condition monitoring of electric power equipment
Chair: Xiaolong Li, Shenyang University of Technology, China
Vice Session Chair: Yi Li, Wuhan University, China
Vice Session Chair: Jinpeng Jiang, China Electric Power Research Institute, China

Special Session XI-Advanced coordinate control and power management technique toward fully electrified on-board energy systems
Chair: Pengfeng LIN, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Vice Session Chair: Wentao JIANG, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
Vice Session Chair: Zhongbao WEI, Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Vice Session Chair: Chuanlin ZHANG, Shanghai University of Electric Power, China
Vice Session Chair: Christopher H. T. Lee, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

●Topics of interest include,but are not limited to:
* Smart Grid
Smart Sensors and Advanced Metrology Infrastructure
Power and Energy System Applications
Impact of Smart Grid on Distributed Energy
Energy Management System
Wide Area Protection, Communication and Control of Energy Systems
Network Security System
Smart Grid Interoperability and Standards
Key Infrastructure Elasticity
Deployable microgrid
Smart Grid Deployment and Demonstration Project

* Energy IOT
Motors and Speed Drivers Big Data, Data Sharing and Cloud Computing
Architecture of IoT
Interaction of IoT
Privacy and Security in IoT
Application of Power IoT
Power IoT Economy
Application of Artificial Intelligence in Power IoT
Large scale renewable energy integration and consumption
Large power grid flexible interconnection
Multi-user interactive power supply and demand
Multi energy complementary distributed energy supply and micro grid

* DC Microgrids
DC System Architecture
DC Operation and Control Strategy
DC Protection Strategy

* Power Market
Power Market Economy
Power Market-oriented Transaction
Clean Energy Market
Power Internationalization and International Marketing

* Power Disaster and Protection
Personnel Safety Protection
High Voltage Flashover and Explosion Protection
Leakage protection
Safe Production of Power
Early Warning Mechanism, Emergency Response Mechanism and Disaster Reconstruction Mechanism of Power System Natural Disasters
Wind Power Patrol Technology of UAV

* New Energy
Renewable Energy (Wind Power, Hydropower, Solar Energy, Biomass, Biofuel, Geothermal Energy, Wave Energy, Tidal Energy, Hydrogen Fuel Cell, Energy Storage)
New Energy Vehicles
New Energy Strategy, Technology, Trend and Industrial Application
Energy Transformation from New Energy System to Power Grid
Reliability, Maintenance, Safety and Guarantee of New Energy

* Data Sciences Techniques in power engineering
AI/Machine Learning Application in Power Systems
Digital Twins
Big Data Application in Power Systems

●Paper Submission
Electronic Submission System:

●Call for participants
1,Presenter: If you are interested in giving presentation on conference, without publishing your paper in the proceeding, you need to submit the abstract and title of your presentation to us:
2,Listener: You are welcome to attend this great event. You need to complete the registration as Listener before the registration dealdine. Send email to for further information.
3,Reviewer: We sincerely welcome experts in the areas above join the conference as reviewer.

●Contact us
Ms. Amber Cao
Telephone: +852-30506862 | +86-18200296850
Consultation E-mail:
WeChat: HKSME15756362251

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