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Algorithms, technologies, and systems 2021 : Algorithms, technologies, and systems for agricultural applications


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline Jun 20, 2021
Notification Due Aug 30, 2021
Categories    machine learning   agricultural applications   big data in agriculture   internet of things (iot) in ag

Call For Papers

TecnoLógicas is a Colombian double-blind peer-reviewed journal, which publishes articles in a wide range of subfields of the engineering and technology sciences. It is indexed in SciELO Citation Index® (Thomson Reuters Web of Science), Publindex, SciELO Colombia, Fuente Académica Premier™ (EBSCO), Index Copernicus, Redalyc, Dialnet, REDIB, Inspec, Periódica, DOAJ, DRJI, Latindex, PKP Index, and the Digital Library by OEI.

The Editorial Board of Revista TecnoLógicas has the pleasure of inviting the scientific community to publish in the thematic dossier Algorithms, technologies, and systems for agricultural applications that will be included in the next edition-2021.

The objective of this dossier is to provide insight into the state of the art of algorithms, technologies, and systems for modeling, management, and optimization of crops. This dossier aims at attracting contributions addressing research papers including but not limited to the following topics:

Farm system models
Models and control for agricultural processes
Sustainability and agro-ecosystems
Decision support systems and expert systems for crop management
Big data in agriculture
Precision agriculture
Internet of Things (IoT) in agriculture
Remote sensing and geospatial information in agriculture
Processing and analysis of data from unmanned airborne system for agriculture applications
Processing and analysis of data from space-borne system for agriculture applications
The interested contributors are highly encouraged to register and submit their manuscripts/papers through the page Please indicate in the Comments for the Editor that the contribution is for the Algorithms, technologies, and systems for agricultural applications dossier.

The journal publishes innovative contributions to maintain the high quality of publications and the editorial board reserves the right to reject papers without sending them out for review.

Download the Guide for Authors:

Important dates:
Submission deadline: June 20, 2021
Editorial decision deadline: August 30, 2021

Special Issue Editors:

Guest Editor
Maria Casamitjana Causa
Centro de Investigación La Selva, AGROSAVIA

Guest Editor
Prof. Dr. Maria C. Torres-Madronero
Faculty of Engineering, Instituto Tecnologico Metropolitano

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