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When Jun 11, 2016 - Jul 15, 2016
Where USA
Submission Deadline Jun 11, 2016
Notification Due Jul 31, 2016
Final Version Due Jul 31, 2016
Categories    ICT   catalyzing   development

Call For Papers




Call for book chapters

Edited by:

Harleen Kaur (Hamdard University, India)

Ewa Lechman (Gdansk University of Technology, Poland)

Adam Marszk (Gdansk University of Technology, Poland)

To be published by Springer and indexed by DBLP, Ulrichs, SCOPUS, MathSciNet, Current Mathematical Publications, Mathematical Reviews, Zentralblatt Math: MetaPress, ISI, EI-Compendex, SCOPUS, DBLP and EBSCO, among others, and available in the SpringerLink Digital Library.

Publisher: Springer International (USA)

We are pleased to announce a highly anticipated new book entitled:

Catalyzing Development through ICT Adoption: The Developing World Experience, to be published by Springer International (USA).

Please feel free to submit a book chapter proposal for this upcoming volume.


Recently, the world has witnessed unprecedented in terms of speed and geographical coverage diffusion of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). Broad empirical evidence shows that even most economically backward countries were not left behind and underwent the ICT revolution, which resulted in almost total eradication of their technological deprivation. Information and communication technologies are widely recognized as a significant catalyst for country`s progress and societal transformations. Full potential of new technologies can be easily unleashed when deploying them as economic development accelerator in least developed countries (LDCs). The near-ubiquitous spread of information and communication technologies offers unprecedented opportunities for low-income economies to take-off on the development path. ICTs bring to developing markets new business models, innovations, capital-labor substitution, improved goods and services. Because they can spread rapidly, with little cost and require minimal skills for usage, ICTs create a solid background for social and economic gains. They enable significant reduction in information asymmetries, which improves access to economic activities for multitude of agents, fostering participation, inter alias in labor market of disadvantaged societal groups. Adoption of ICTs see creates better conditions for education and skills improvement, allows overcoming barriers for disadvantaged groups empowerment and tap global market of goods and services. ICTs enhance shifts from traditional to modern forms of running business, letting countries to get more industrialized and create service-based economy.

Regardless all the mentioned facts, information and communication technologies` impact on economies` performance is claimed to exhibit in the long-run perspective and – in addition – their real impact is limited and hardly quantifiable. Hence, after almost two decades of rapid diffusion of ICT in developing world, it is time to assess the real consequences of ICTs adoption in economically backward countries. Broad, real-world based evidence shall provide better understanding of the precise nature of new technologies and their impact of country`s economy and society.

The contributors may include any other topic falling under the main topics of the book. Consistent with the foregoing the topics preferably include:

Arguments and mechanism justifying ICTs contribution to economic development – micro-, and macroeconomic perspective;
Trends and perspectives in ICT and economics;
Identification of main ICTs transmission channels reshaping social and economic landscape;
ICTs and social inclusion;
Role of ICTs in promoting activities (i.e. female labor force engagement, skills deepening, financial system access) contributing to economic development;
Evidence on ‘economic catching-up’ with respect developing countries;
ICT as driving factor of growing productivity output growth – new growth theory approach;
Novel, conclusive and informative methodological approaches for measurement ICTs influence on economic development;
Innovations in evaluating ICT4D research;
Virtual models for a sustainable economy;
Country-specific ‘success stories’ in ICTs deployment for development;
Preconditions for ‘take-off’ – role of non-economic factors (i.e. culture, social norms, political regimes, market structure) conditioning effective use of ICTs for development.

Important Dates:

Abstract submission: June 11, 2016

Abstract acceptance notification: June 20, 2016

Full chapter submission: July 31, 2016

Review process: August 1 – 10, 2016

Revised chapter submission: August 20, 2016

Final notification: August 20, 2016

All submissions should be done via Email to one of the editors:

Ewa Lechman:

Adam Marszk:

Submission Procedure:

1. The chapter should clearly indicate the title of the paper, a sub title (if required), name (s) of author(s), email ID, address of Institution, city and country.

2. Length of paper: 3000-10000 words (6-15 pages), single spaced, 12 point font size, Times New Roman, MS Word format (A4 size). Pages should be numbered consecutively.

3. Abstract should not exceed 200 words and keyword up to 5.

4. APA style for References

5. Tables and Figures may be incorporated into the text of the paper as close to where they are first referred.

Authors are responsible for proofreading their chapters.

Author’s guidelines

Authors should only submit original work that has neither appeared elsewhere for publication, nor is presently under review for another refereed publication. Extensions of previously published works are welcome as long as the contributions made in the extended version are significant to warrant publication.

Abstract Submission

Please submit a 3-page chapter proposal (extended abstract) of your proposed book chapter contribution by the specified deadline. The authors must highlight the scientific contributions in their work.

The chapter proposal (extended abstract) should have a length of 2-3 pages and should be organized as follows:

Tentative Title
Author(s) Details
Chapter content encompassing the following parts: background and purpose, methodology, preliminary results and discussions, conclusions, references.
Submission Guidelines: Microsoft Word

Springer does not encourage the use of Microsoft Word, particularly as the layout of the pages (position of figures and paragraphs) can change between printouts. However, this option is still available for chapter contributions.

Download and install the Springer's LNPROC Word 2007-2010 package.
Read the Technical Instructions in the package to understand how elements (headings, figures, references) should be formatted using Springer's predefined styles.
Do not exceed 3 pages in length, including all figures (if any) and references.
Do not specify author or institution information; submissions are double blinded for peer-review purposes.
Please provide up to five (5) keywords characterizing your abstract submission.
Submit the PDF file with your chapter abstract via Email to Editors
Copyright and permissions: The copyright of articles accepted for the book rests with the author (s)*. Figures that reproduce copyrighted or trademarked visual images or other objects whose design is copyrighted or trademarked can be published only with the permission of the owner of the copyright or trademark. It will be the sole responsibility of the author of the article/ chapter in which the figure appears to obtain this permission, or to determine that the image or design is in the public domain.

Corresponding Editors

1. Dr. Harleen Kaur:

2. Dr. Ewa Lechman:

3. Dr. Adam Marszk:

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