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T4E 2010 : International Workshop on Technology for Education


When Jul 1, 2010 - Jul 3, 2010
Where Mumbai, India
Submission Deadline Mar 31, 2010
Notification Due Apr 21, 2010
Categories    education

Call For Papers

The purpose of this Conference is to bring together researchers in the relevant technologies and interested academics to give presentations of research results and to discuss research directions.

Papers reporting original academic or industrial research in any topic relevant to the Conference, including the ones referred above, are invited. Complete papers will be required for the review process; abstracts alone will not be sufficient. All authors of accepted submissions will be required to complete the Conference’s Copyright Form. At least one of the authors would need to register before the final version of the paper is uploaded, for the paper to be included in the Proceedings.

We also invite papers in the following areas to be organized into one or more theme sessions.

Intention to submit paper
Authors intending to submit papers to T4E 2010 may please fill out the ‘Register to Submit’ form on EDAS as early as possible.

Theme Areas

Topics can include but are not limited to:

* Development of technologies used to support education
* Innovative use of ICT for content development and classroom use
* Pedagogies for remote and e-learning, blended learning and learning using technology
* Assessment and evaluation of above technologies, content and pedagogies
* Support systems for distance education, e-learning, blended learning
* Mobile learning
* Growth and impact of the Open Educational Resources movement
* Techniques and standards for accurate identification of relevant learning resources
* Content repositories for teaching and learning
* Development of software to enhance learning
* Semantic web technologies in education
* Adaptivity and personalization approaches for improvement of education
* Smart technologies in education
* Impact of social networks on learning

Papers focusing on education in the technology area (eg how wireless networks work) but not involving the use of technology in teaching/learning are outside the scope of this Conference.

Session formats
Proposals can be submitted in the following categories:

* Full papers: 6-8 pages. These papers meant for full presentation at the Conference will contain detailed descriptions of research, development, applications and other aspects related to the conference themes. These papers should preferably be accompanied by a poster which will be displayed on the conference website during the conference. Complete papers are to be submitted for the review process.
* Short papers: 3-4 pages. These papers will be brief presentations of technologies developed, techniques used or results of research. These papers are to be accompanied by a poster that will be displayed during a poster session (details TBA), and displayed on the conference website on during the conference. Demonstrations can be included. Complete papers are to be submitted for the review process.
* Tips/best practices. Presenters who have developed and used e-learning content, strategies for learning/teaching using technology and other themes relating to the conference are invited to share their lessons learned and future plans in this session. A 1-2 page paper describing best practices is to be submitted for the review process. Submissions will be strengthened by including a rationale for best practices, and reports of implementation and research results.
* Tutorials. These 2 and half hour sessions will provide participants an opportunity to experience first-hand the research tools, techniques and results presented. Tutorial presenters are encouraged to create an interactive environment for participants to become familiar with design, strategies, pedagogies, data, and assessment associated with technologies that are used in the learning-teaching process. A 2-page description of the tutorial is to be submitted for the review process. This should include: clear objectives of the tutorial, presenter’s previous experience with the material, equipment needed, an outline of the content, and a CV of the author.

Student grants
Students are encouraged to submit papers for the conference. A limited number of grants to cover part of the expenses are expected to be available for students whose papers are selected. However, these grants will not be adequate to cover any international travel.

Submission Details
Authors will be able to submit papers using the EDAS website (details TBA). Manuscripts need to be formatted according to IEEE’s guidelines. Submitted papers will be subject to a double-blind review process. Complete papers will be required for the review process; abstracts alone will not be sufficient.

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