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SIGDOC 2013 : ACM Special Interest Group on Design of Communication (SIGDOC) 2013 conference


Conference Series : International Conference on Design of Communication
When Sep 30, 2013 - Oct 1, 2013
Where Greenville, North Carolina, USA
Submission Deadline May 15, 2013
Notification Due Jun 30, 2013
Final Version Due Aug 7, 2013
Categories    HCI   documentation

Call For Papers

Call for Participation
The ACM Special Interest Group on the Design of Communication (ACM SIGDOC) invites you to submit a project report, research paper, or poster session on the design of communication for interactive systems in industry, education, recreation, scientific research, and social exchange.

SIGDOC conferences address issues of interest to people in interaction design, content strategy, information architecture, user experience, and technical communication.

Ideas for topics

The theme of the SIGDOC 2013 conference is “simplifying complexity,” but your submission is not limited to the theme. Here are some suggestions for topics:

How do you identify complexity in an interactive system and simplify it for the people who use it?
How do you capture complexity in a domain and simplify people’s understanding of it?
How do you simplify complex person-to-person interactions?
How social media and new media (rss feeds, analytics, streaming, user-contributed content, mashups, wikis, and blogs) simplify or increase complexity, and social implications of using these media.
Simplifying the design, development, and delivery of interactive instructional media, including content management, website development and use, e-instruction and e-learning, and technical communication.
Using responsive design methods and tools to simplify multi-platform issues.
User research in all of these areas.
Submission types

You are invited to submit:

Research and technical papers. These papers describe completed research projects, and include the questions that prompted the research, the investigative methods, the results, and ideas for future study. Typically, researchers in academia submit research and technical papers. You present your paper during a conference session, and publish the paper in the conference proceedings.
Project reports. These papers describe work completed for a product release, and include the problem that prompted the project, the development methods, the results, and ideas for future work. Typically, people in industry submit project reports. You present your paper during a conference session, and publish the paper in the conference proceedings.
Poster sessions. A poster session is a less formal presentation of work in progess, theories, experimental work, new concepts, late-breaking research results. You present your poster during an informal session.
Workshops. These are half- or full-day tutorials on a practical topic of relevance to conference attendees.
You can submit as an individual or as part of a panel.

Contact information

Send your paper (complete manuscript) or workshop proposal to: Nina Wishbow.

Send your poster session proposal to: Jesvin Yeo Puay Hwa.

Submission schedule

If your paper, poster, or workshop is accepted, you will receive information about uploading it for printing in the conference proceedings. You will also receive guidance for your conference presentation.

This is the schedule for submissions:

May 15: Manuscripts are due.
June 30: Acceptance notices go out. If your submission is accepted as-is, you can upload it for publication in the proceedings. Work begins on your conference presentation.
July 20: If your submission was accepted pending revisions, the revisions are due.
Aug 7: Your final date to upload your manuscript to Sheridan Printing for inclusion in the proceedings.
Additional notes

If your submission is accepted, you are expected to register for and attend the conference. In the case of multiple authors, at least one must register.

If you have any questions, please contact Nina Wishbow.

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