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MIC-Multimedia 2020 : The 1st International Conference on Multimedia Systems, Networks and Technologies


When Mar 6, 2020 - Mar 8, 2020
Where Athens, Greece
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    multimedia   cloudcomputing   social multimedia   bid data

Call For Papers

The 1st International Conference on Multimedia Systems, Networks and Technologies (MIC-Multimedia 2020) is intended to represent a major forum for researchers, academicians, professionals, and students from all over the world to meet in the beautiful and culturally rich city of Athens in Greece to present their latest research results, and to exchange new ideas and practical experiences in the most up-to-date areas of this exciting field.

As part of the Global 2020 Congress on Networking and Communications (GC-NetCom 2020 -, MIC-Multimedia 2020 will be held in Athens, Greece in the period 6-8 March 2020. You may view more details at the conference website here:

The type of articles that will be considered for publication include case studies, reviews, as well as theoretical and empirical research. Only papers with top technical quality will be accepted; a fact that is assured by a world-class technical program committee (TPC) and a thorough and rigorous peer review process. All submitted manuscripts are peer reviewed, and acceptance/rejection decisions about a manuscript are based mainly on the importance, originality, clarity, and contribution of the submission to knowledge in the conference scope. You may view the TPC of MIC-Multimedia 2020 here:

Papers to be published at MIC-Multimedia 2020 will be indexed by Google Scholar. The conference is also being considered for indexing by both Scopus and Compendex. Authors of best-reviewed papers will be given the opportunity to publish extended versions of their papers in special issues of top-ranked journals.

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