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HICSS 2018 : Multi-criteria Decision Analysis and Support Systems - Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences


Conference Series : Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
When Jan 8, 2019 - Jan 11, 2019
Where Maui, Hawaii, USA
Submission Deadline Jun 15, 2018
Notification Due Aug 15, 2018

Call For Papers

Call for Papers - Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences – HICSS-52

Decision Analytics, Mobile Services and Service Science

Minitrack: Multi-criteria Decision Analysis and Support Systems

January 8-11, 2019, Grand Wailea Hotel, Maui, Hawaii, USA

Most decisions are based on multiple criteria, pursuing multiple, often conflicting objectives. A decision alternative is chosen based on a multitude of often-conflicting decision criteria, and a solution is sought that provides the best compromise with respect to these various desired objectives. Many general software tools, such as linear programming packages and electronic spreadsheets that do not implement specific MCDM techniques, can also be used to analyze multi-criteria problems. MCDSS may focus on various stages of the decision-making process, from problem exploration and structuring, to discovering the decision-maker’s preferences and the most preferred compromise solution. In assessing MCDSS, it is important to consider not only the technology aspects, but also the role of the decision-maker in the solution process, and the usability of the system. This mini-track solicits papers dealing with decision support for all types of multi-criteria decision problems. Case studies, papers focusing on specific types of decision settings, heuristic approaches applying IT, design of methods for automating parts of the decision-making process, as well as papers focusing on the concepts and larger issues involved in providing information systems support to such decision problems are welcomed. The common thread is the explicit consideration of multiple decision criteria.
Possible topics for this minitrack may include:
• Success factors for MCDSS
• The role of the decision-maker in effective multi-criteria decision support with possible applications in cyber-physical-social convergence with humans in the loop
• Case studies of multi-criteria decision support
• Innovative tools, methodologies and solutions for specific aspects or phases of multi-criteria decision support as applicable to smart service systems
• Decision support for project selection
• Decision support for specific application domains; examples include personalized healthcare, smart energy, smart cities, smart manufacturing, intelligent transportation, education, precision medicine and agriculture, national security etc.
• Classifications of decision problems and solution technology
• Tools and techniques for multi-criteria portfolio selection
• Solution approaches to special types of decision problems involving conflicting objectives
• Quality, types, and analytics of data in multi-criteria decision support
• Design of inter-dependent complex global systems using MCDCC such as healthcare, smart gird, computer networks, logistics and supply-chains, financial markets etc.

Important Dates:

April 15, 2018: Paper Submission System Launched
June 15, 2018 | 11:59 pm HST: Paper Submission Deadline
August 17, 2018: Notification of Acceptance/Rejection
September 22, 2018: Deadline for Authors to Submit Final Manuscript for Publication
October 1, 2018: Deadline for at least one author of each paper to register for HICSS-52

Minitrack Co-Chairs:

Amita Goyal Chin
Virginia Commonwealth Univ.
Department of Information Sys
Richmond, VA 23284-4000, USA

Preetam Ghosh
Virginia Commonwealth Univ.
Department of Computer Science
Richmond, VA 23284-4000, USA

Nirmalya Roy
Univ. of Maryland Baltimore County
Department of Information Sys
Baltimore, MD 21250, USA

More information at

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