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CVAVI 2010 : 3rd Workshop on Computer Vision Applications for the Visually Impaired


When Jun 14, 2010 - Jun 14, 2010
Where San Francisco
Submission Deadline Mar 10, 2010
Categories    computer vision   image processing   assistive technology

Call For Papers

A growing number of computer vision researchers are becoming interested in applications for persons with visual impairments (VI), including low vision and blindness. Recent advances in algorithms, sensors and embedded computing hold the promise to enable computer vision technology that can address the needs of this disadvantaged population. In particular, some popular smartphones now come equipped with screen readers for accessibility to VI users, high resolution cameras with focusing capabilities, and fairly powerful embedded computers, and thus may serve as an ideal platform for many computer vision-enabled VI tools.

Paper submissions are solicited on the application of computer vision to such topics as travel (orientation and mobility), information access (reading signs, documents and printed graphical information), and user interfaces. In addition, live demonstrations of VI applications of computer vision will also be solicited (but will not be published).

Appropriate topics for papers and demos submitted to this workshop must have clear relevance to the specific needs of VI users. Each paper/demo submitted must discuss how the proposed computer vision algorithms could be implemented in a realistic system for VI users.

Paper/demo topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
-Travel and wayfinding
--Orientation: indoor travel, walking on sidewalks and at traffic intersections, transit access, driving for people with poor vision
--Mobility: obstacle detection, detection of dangerous moving hazards
-Information access
--Reading: indoor/outdoor signs and signal lights in cluttered environments, finding
relevant information in complex documents, computer/web access, consumer electronics
--Access to graphical information: interpreting printed maps, drawings, graphics such as plots and pie charts
-Identifying people and objects
--Low vision user application: Recognizing people at a distance
--Blind user applications: Identifying visitors and objects
-Visual, audio and tactile interfaces
--Image enhancement: improving image visibility for low vision users
--Audification/Sonification: extracting meaningful information from an image and communicating it by sound
--Tactile/haptic: building tactile or haptic maps of images or graphic material
-Special topics
--Performance metrics: speed and accuracy requirements
--Cell phone platforms: apps for VI users and user studies

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