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WFAI 2017 : Workshop on Forgetting in Artificial Intelligence


When Sep 25, 2017 - Sep 25, 2017
Where held at KI 2017 (Dortmund, Germany)
Submission Deadline Jul 2, 2017
Notification Due Jul 24, 2017
Final Version Due Aug 20, 2017

Call For Papers

Though forgetting is usually a nuisance in everyday life, it is an important
feature for human life. On the one hand, forgetting superfluous information
facilitates the task at hand. On the other hand, it is an integral part of
basic cognitive processes, like generalization, abstraction, and learning.
In this context, forgetting is the deliberate act to abolish unnecessary
knowledge possibly conserving knowledge on a higher level. Recently, the
term "machine unlearning" has been coined for the first beneficial use
described above. In this workshop the general topic of beneficial forgetting
shall be explored from different viewpoints.

The workshop aims to bring together researchers from AI, Machine Learning,
Cognitive Science, and other disciplines who are interested in understanding
how artificial systems can profit from forgetting and how beneficial
forgetting in humans can be influenced. Topics of interest include, but are
not limited to the following:
- Forgetting in knowledge management systems
- Agents with knowledge limitations
- Unlearning hypotheses in active or incremental learning
- Supporting humans to beneficially forget
- Cognitive models using or displaying beneficial forgetting processes

------- Paper Submission -------

We invite papers, which have to be in English and formatted according to the
Springer LNCS style. Papers may report on new research that makes a
substantial contribution to the field, but also on research in progress.
Papers may have up to 8 pages (including references). Shorter papers are
also welcome.

Submission will be by email in electronic form as pdf only. Submissions
should be sent until June 11 to michael.siebers (at)

All papers will be subject to blind peer review based on the standard
criteria of relevance, significance of results, originality of ideas,
soundness, and quality of the presentation. All accepted papers will be
published in online proceedings, and will be presented at the conference.
At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the KI
conference and present the contribution.

-------- Important Dates --------

Paper Submissions Due: July 02, 2017
Acceptance Notification: July 24, 2017
Camera-ready Version Due: August 20, 2017
Workshop: September 25 or 26, 2017

-------- Main Organizers --------

Michael Siebers, Cognitive Systems Group, University of Bamberg
Christian Jilek, Smart Data & Knowledge Services Department, DFKI GmbH

------- Program Committee -------

Christoph Beierle, FernUniversität in Hagen, Germany
Francesco Gallo, EURIX Group, Italy
Mark A. Greenwood, University of Sheffield, UK
José Hernandez-Orallo, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
Nattiya Kanhabua, Aalborg University, Denmark
Gabriele Kern-Isberner, TU Dortmund, Germany
Fernando Martinez, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
Heiko Maus, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Germany
Vasileios Mezaris, Centre for Research and Technology Hellas, Greece
Marco Ragni, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany
Nele Rußwinkel, TU Berlin, Germany
Sven Schwarz, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Germany
Tobias Tempel, University of Trier, Germany
Ingo J. Timm, Universität Trier, Germany
Maria Wolters, University of Edinburgh, UK

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