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IEEE Mobile Cloud 2017 : The 5th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Cloud Computing, Services, and Engineering | |||||||||||||
Link: http://mobile-cloud.net/ | |||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||
The 5th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Cloud Computing, Services, and Engineering
April 6 – April 8, 2017 – San Francisco, USA The integration of mobile computing and cloud services and engineering enables new applications that provide resouces and services on an on-demand basis, process big data collected from mobile sensors, and support Internet of things (IoT) with massive cloud-based backend. Such applications will have tremendous impacts on almost every aspect of our daily life, including transportation, e-commerce, healthcare, safety and location privacy, smart home and smart city, social interaction, and many more. This conference will provide a great platform to allow researchers in academia and industry to share their latest research ideas and results, development activities, and the emerging industry technologies on mobile cloud computing, services, and engineering. The conference solicits original technical papers, not previously published and not currently under review for publication elsewhere. Papers will be judged on originality, significance, clarity, relevance, and correctness. Extended versions of the best papers will be invited for fast-track publication in a planned Special Issue on Mobile Cloud Computing of the IEEE Cloud Computing Magazine. SCOPE: Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: Theory, Modeling and Methodologies – Mobile cloud computing models, architectures, and platforms – Formal methods for mobile cloud system design and analysis – Testing methodologies for mobile cloud services and applications – Engineering on-demand mobile cloud systems and services – Design of energy-saving mobile cloud protocols – Mobile crowdsensing models and associated platforms – Mobile cloud resource management, provisioning, and migration – Mobile-aware cloud data management and data retrieval – Mobile cloud data centers, storage, and networking technologies – Virtualization techniques for mobile cloud computing and services – Security, reliability and privacy for mobile cloud computing Applications and Industry Practice – Mobile multimedia and mobile social community services – Cloud-assisted human-centered applications based on wearable devices – Mobile commerce and cloud-based marketplace – Intuitive user interfaces for cloud-based mobile applications – Mobile cloud enabled pervasive learning and education – Research case studies and experimental reports – Industry reports on experience and lessons learned ORGANIZING COMMITTEE General Chairs: – Cristian Borcea (New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA) – Hiroyuki Sato (University of Tokyo, Japan) Program Chairs: – Jiannong Cao (Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China) – Luca Foschini (University of Bologna, Italy) – Haiping Xu (University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, USA) Local Chair – Jerry Gao (San Jose State University, USA) – Sam Zhang (San Jose State University, USA) Finance Chair – Jerry Gao (San Jose State University, USA) Publicity Chairs – Stefano Chessa (University of Pisa, Italy) – Habib M. Ammari (Taif University, Saudi Arabia) – Ahmet Sekercioglu (Monash University, Australia) Publication Chair – Lei Ma (Chiba University, Japan) Web Chair – James Wu (San Jose State University, USA) IMPORTANT DATES – Workshop proposal submission: October 1, 2016 – Tutorial proposal submission: October 1, 2016 – Paper submission: November 1, 2016 – Author notification: December 22, 2016 – Camera-ready submission and conference registration: January 31, 2017 – Conference: April 6- April 8, 2017 PAPER SUBMISSION Papers must be written in English. Manuscript must include a title, an abstract with 200-250 words, and a list of 4-6 keywords. Each paper is limited to 8 pages normally, including tables, figures and references. All papers must be prepared in the IEEE double column proceedings format. Please see http://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates.html Each paper will be reviewed by at least three TPC members. Authors must submit their manuscripts using the EasyChair conference system, please follow this EasyChair link: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ieeemobilecloud2017 PAPER PUBLICATION All accepted papers will be published by IEEE Computer Society Press (EI-Index) and included in IEEE Digital Library. For publication, each accepted paper is required to be registered at full rate by one of its authors, and at least one author is required to attend and present the paper at the conference for the paper to be included in the final technical program and the IEEE Digital Library. The length of camera-ready papers will be limited to 8 pages with no surcharge. Up to 2 additional pages may be purchased with extra page fee upon the approval of the Program Chairs. WORKSHOP/TUTORIAL PROPOSALS SUBMISSION IEEE Mobile Cloud 2017 will host multiple one-day or half-day workshops in conjunction with the main conference; topics of interest include any major research area associated with mobile cloud middleware and applications, as well as relevant large-scale experiences (from academic/industry projects) in the field. The proposed workshops should focus on fostering discussion among participants as well as community building. A workshop proposal should contain at least the following information: * Name and possible acronym of the workshop * Motivation and rationale for the workshop * Draft call-for-papers, including introduction and topics of the workshop * A list of program committee (PC) members IEEE Mobile Cloud 2017 seeks half-day tutorial proposals, which should provide clear and focused teaching material covering new and emerging topics related to the main conference. A tutorial proposal should describe concisely the content, importance, and timeliness of the tutorial, as well as the targeted potential audience. Workshop and tutorial proposals must be submitted via email to the Program Chairs. |