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SimpleText 2021 : SimpleText workshop


When Sep 21, 2021 - Sep 24, 2021
Where Bucharest
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    computer science   natural language processing   information retrieval   summarization

Call For Papers

SimpleText 2021 Workshop: (Re)Telling Right Scientific Stories to Non-specialists via Text Simplification

News stories judged to be true according to fact-checkers spread more slowly than fake news and reach fewer people. Stories the individuals find credible can determine their behaviour, e.g. response to the pandemic, the application of social distancing, using dangerous fake medical treatments, etc. Fake news plays on people’s emotions, but they are also easier to understand by non-professionals than the research papers. Since scientific publications are difficult for people outside the domain and so they do not read them at all even if they are accessible. Popularization of science is one of UNESCO’s oldest programs, but human simplification of scientific documents is expensive and time consuming. Users cannot have an instant, simplified summary on a specific topic they are interested in. To put a step forward to resolve this problem we propose a new workshop called SimpleText which aims to create a community interested in generating a simplified summary of scientific documents and to contribute in making the science really open and accessible for everyone. The goal is to generate a simplified abstract of multiple scientific documents based on a given query.

Types of contributions:
* Research & survey papers
* Position, discussion & demo papers
* Extended abstracts of published papers

Topics of interest (not exhaustive):
* Text simplification
* Text simplification evaluation
* Scientific document search
* Citation recommendation
* Summarization of scientific documents
* Literature overview generation
* Daily digest generation
* Automatic methods for scientific journalism
* Searching for background knowledge
* …


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