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URES West 2014 : 2014 USENIX Release Engineering Summit West


When Nov 10, 2014 - Nov 10, 2014
Where Seattle, WA
Submission Deadline Sep 5, 2014
Notification Due Sep 19, 2014
Categories    USENIX   devops   release engineering   open access

Call For Papers


In the second 2014 USENIX Release Engineering Summit (URES '14 West), we will bring members of the release engineering community together to advance the state of release engineering, discuss its problems and solutions, and provide a forum for communication for members of this quickly growing field. We solicit original presentations and discussions on a wide range of topics, but we particularly encourage presentations on novel, pragmatic approaches and solutions to vexing problems in release engineering.


Suggestions for topics include (but are not limited to):

* Best practices for release engineering
* Practical information on specific aspects of release engineering (e.g., source code management, dependency management, packaging, unit tests, deployment)
* Future challenges and opportunities in release engineering
* Solutions for scalable end-to-end release processes
* Scaling infrastructure and tools for high-volume continuous integration farms
* War and horror stories
* Metrics
* Specific problems and solutions for specific markets (mobile, financial, cloud)

URES '14 West is looking for relevant and engaging speakers and workshop facilitators for our event on November 10, 2014, in Seattle, WA. URES brings together people from all areas of release engineering—release engineers, developers, managers, site reliability engineers, and others—to identify and help propose solutions for the most difficult problems in release engineering today.


Proposals may be 45-, 60-, or 90-minute formal presentations, panel discussions, or open workshops.

This will be a one-day summit. Speakers should be prepared for interactive sessions with the audience. Workshop facilitators should be ready to challenge the status quo and provide real-world examples and strategies to help attendees walk away with tools and ideas to improve their professional lives. Presentations should stimulate healthy discussion among the summit participants.

Submissions in the form of a brief proposal are welcome through September 5, 2014. Well-received proposals include a target audience, a brief description of the topic, and what the attendee will take away from the talk. Please submit your proposal and a brief biography via email to You can also reach the Program Chair, Dinah McNutt, via that email address with any questions or comments.

Presentation details will be communicated to the presenters of accepted talks and workshops by September 19, 2014.

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