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ALR 2008 : The 6th Workshop on Asian Language Resources


When Jan 11, 2008 - Jan 12, 2008
Where Hyderabad, India
Submission Deadline Sep 21, 2007
Notification Due Oct 26, 2007
Categories    linguistics   computational linguistics   NLP

Call For Papers

Call for Papers


The 6th workshop on Asian Language Resources is organised under the joint auspices of the Asian Languae Resource Network (ALRN) project funded by Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Science, Sports and Technology Science and Technology Agency (MEXT) and the Asian Language Resources Committee (ALRC) of AFNLP aming at the following goals.

* To investigate the situation of Asian Language Resources, and to make a catalog of the result of this investigation
* To investigate and discuss the problems related to the standards and specification on creating and sharing various levels of language resources
* To promote communications between developers and users of various language resources in order to fill the gap between language resources and practical applications
* To launch a roadmap for Asian Language Resources

To achieve these goals, we call for the technical papers and the resource reports concerning, but not limited to the following issues.

* Infrastructure for constructing and sharing language resources
* Meta data for resource classification and discovery
* Exchange and annotation schemata
* Exchange formats
* Standards or specifications for language resources
* Standards or specifications for content management
* Language resources for basic NLP tasks (word segmentation, named entity recognition, syntactic analysis, semantic analysis, discourse analysis, etc.)
* Language Resources for HLT applications, such as information retrieval, information extraction, question answering, machine translation, etc.
* Text corpora
* Lexicons
* Grammars
* Machine-readable dictionaries
* Ontology
* Strategies and priorities for EU-US and Asian cooperation
* Strategies for collaboration with international/regional public orgnizations, such as UNESCO, ACCU, etc.
* Licensing and copyright issues

The technical papers should include original contributions to this area, and the resource reports should include the precise description of the existing resources or resources under development. For attributes of the resource description, refer to The workshop will be comprise of two parts, the presentation of technical papers, and an open discussion based on the resource reports aiming at introducing language resources of less computerised languages, and exchanging the experiences, resources and tools.

Submission Method
Submissions should follow the main conference paper format as in, and should not exceed eight (8) pages for technical papers and two (2) pages for resource reports, including references. Since the reviewing process will be blind, the papers should not include the authors' names and affiliations. Furthermore, self-references that reveal the author's identity should be avoided. Paper submission is handled electronically using the START system. We accept PDF files with all necessary fonts embedded. The URL for paper submission is

Important Dates

Paper Submission Deadline: Sep 21, 2007
Notification of Paper Acceptance: Oct 26, 2007
Camera Ready Submission Deadline: Nov 16, 2007
Workshop Dates: Jan 11-12, 2008
(full day on Jan 11, 2008 and half day on Jan 12, 2008)

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