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IWSC 2017 : 1st International Wikipedia Scientific Conference


When Nov 8, 2017 - Nov 10, 2017
Where UFF - Niterói - Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
Submission Deadline Sep 11, 2017
Notification Due Sep 30, 2017
Final Version Due Sep 30, 2017
Categories    WIKIPEDIA   open science   internet   technology

Call For Papers

The knowledge, their accumulation, recording and reuse are the vectors of culture, the striking characteristic and differential of the human species, in addition to their biological characteristics. Today's society is identified, both in academy and in the imagination of the ordinary citizen, as the knowledge society, because of the central role of this as a catalyst of the production system, generator of wealth and promoter of citizenship and welfare in society today. Wikipedia is the modern version of the Enlightenment ideal of reason, of education and knowledge as mechanisms to achieve a fairer society. Contemporary heir of the ideals of "encyclopedia" of Diderot and d'Alembert, is an unprecedented experience, of generation, organization, evaluation, promotion, dissemination and sharing of knowledge, openly and for a community wide, disseminated by many countries and in different languages.

The goals of the II CCBWIKI and I IWSC are to approach the Brazilian academic community and international level of Wikipedia, promoting its use as reliable source of knowledge, educational tool and object of scholarly research, increase the presence of content in English and encourage the exchange of ideas and experience about it with the international academic community.

The II CCBWIKI and I IWSC will accept works that have Wikipedia as topic, source and means of dissemination of scientific knowledge and teaching tool. The texts should be in english, spanish or portuguese and will be evaluated by two members of the Scientific Committee.

The submission period runs from 20 June to 31 August 2017. The authors will be notified of acceptance or not of its papers until 30 September 2017.

The papers should be submitted in the following thematic groups:

* T1- Wiki culture;
* T2- Knowledge organization in Wikipedia;
* T3- Editors engagement on Wikipedia;
* T4- Science and collaboration on Wikipedia;
* T5- Educational projects on Wikipedia;
* T6- Wikipedia and dissemination of collections of archives, libraries and museums.
* T7- Post-truth and fake news - the role of Wikipedia

Posters may be presented (up to 3 pages, including references) or articles (from 8 to 10 pages, including references).

The approved works will be published in the annals of electronic event. For this reason, at least one of the authors must register for the event and perform oral presentation.

For submission, it must be used the platform

Official site and registration

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