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CONCUR 2008 : Conference on Concurrency TheoryConference Series : International Conference on Concurrency Theory | |||||||||||||
Link: http://www.cse.yorku.ca/concur08/#content=important_dates | |||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||
Call for Papers
CONCUR 08 welcomes two categories of papers: * regular papers; * tool papers. Submissions are solicited in all areas of semantics, logics, verification and analysis of concurrent systems. The principal topics include (but are not limited to): * basic models of concurrency (such as abstract machines, domain theoretic models, game theoretic models, process algebras, and Petri nets); * logics for concurrency (such as modal logics, temporal logics and resource logics); * models of specialized systems (such as biology-inspired systems, circuits, hybrid systems, mobile systems, multi-core processors, probabilistic systems, real time systems, synchronous systems, and web services); * verification and analysis techniques for concurrent systems (such as abstract interpretation, atomicity checking, model-checking, race detection, run-time verification, state-space exploration, static analysis, synthesis, testing, theorem proving and type systems); * related programming models (such as distributed or object-oriented). Submissions will be evaluated by the program committee for inclusion in the proceedings, which will be published by Springer-Verlag in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. Papers must be in English and should be formatted according to the Springer-Verlag LNCS guidelines. Simultaneous submission to journals or other conferences with published proceedings is not allowed. Both regular and tool papers will be presented at the conference, and so at least one author of each accepted paper is expected to be present at the conference. The link for submissions is http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=CONCUR08 Regular papers Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract. Regular papers must contain original contributions, be clearly written, and include appropriate reference to and comparison with related work. Authors are encouraged to submit a paper title and a short abstract before submitting the extended abstract. The short abstract should not exceed 200 words, and it should be entered in ASCII at the link given below. The extended abstract should not exceed 15 pages. If necessary, the extended abstract may be supplemented with a clearly marked appendix, which will be reviewed at the discretion of the program committee. Tool papers Tool papers should present novel tools based on aforementioned technologies (such as abstract interpretation, atomicity checking, model-checking, race detection, run-time verification, state-space exploration, static analysis, synthesis, testing, theorem proving and type systems) or fall into the above application areas (such as biology-inspired systems, circuits, hybrid systems, mobile systems, multi-core processors,probabilistic systems, real time systems, synchronous systems, and web services) and have an explicit emphasis on handling of concurrency. If previous versions of the tool have already been presented at meetings or published in some form, the enhancements and novel features of the tool should be clearly described. A tool paper should not exceed 4 pages and should have an appendix that provides a detailed description of: * how the oral presentation will be conducted (for example illustrated by a number of snapshots) and * the availability of the tool, the number and types of users, and other information which may illustrate the maturity and robustness of the tool (if applicable, a link to a web-page for the tool). The appendix will not be included in the proceedings, but during the evaluation of the tool papers it will be equally important as the pages submitted for publication in the proceedings. Important Dates * Abstract Submission: April 4, 2008 * Paper Submission: April 11, 2008 (strict) * Notification: May 27, 2008 * Final version due: June 17, 2008 Contact us if you have any questions. |