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CfP:17ICH 2016 : CfP: The 17th Issue of the ICH (International Crimes and History): Population Movements in the Balkans and the Making of Borders, States, and Identities


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Submission Deadline Dec 15, 2016

Call For Papers

CfP: The 17th Issue of the ICH (International Crimes and History): Population Movements in the Balkans and the Making of Borders, States, and Identities

International Crimes and History / Uluslararası Suçlar ve Tarih (ICH) is an annual bilingual (English and Turkish) peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the study of inter-communal, inter-ethnic, inter-religious, and international conflicts and crimes that took place in the past. For nine years of its publication, the ICH has been a platform for the scholarly investigation of conflicts and crimes that have occurred in the Balkans, the Caucasus, the Eurasia region, and the Middle East. The ICH is indexed in the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey-Turkish Academic Network and Information Center (TUBİTAK-ULAKBİM) and EBSCO Host.
For more information, visit the website of the ICH at:

The Balkans has been at the intersection of various migration routes throughout history; different peoples have left their footmarks on the Balkan soil throughout their journeys. These peoples uprooted, swallowed, or mixed with other groups, or they were assimilated by them in a process that eventually led to the emergence of new ethno-national and ethno-religious identities over time. Meanwhile, some of these peoples stayed in the Balkans and engaged in various types of interactions with indigenous peoples of the peninsula. As a result of these intense, centuries long, continuous, contingent, and casual interactions, the Balkans became one of the most ethnically diverse geographies in the world.
Population movements and interactions do not occur in a vacuum. They both affect and are affected by the socio-political context. Between the 15th and 19th centuries, population movements and interactions took place within the context of the imperial rules, particularly the rule of the Ottoman Empire. By the beginning of the 19th century, empires began to collapse, giving way to nation-states as new and novel political formations. Within a hundred years or so, the social, economic, and political landscape of the Balkans transformed dramatically. During this period, conflicts and clashes led to voluntary or forced migrations in various forms, which significantly transformed the ethno-demographic structure of the peninsula. During World War II and the following Cold War era, population movements were also witnessed albeit in smaller scales. The end of the Cold War was followed by merciless ethnic clashes that also resulted in changes in the ethno-demographic structure of the peninsula as a consequence of massacres, and voluntary or forced migrations. Today, the Balkans is a transit route of a huge migration wave from the Middle East (particularly from Syria), which renders it a stage for tragic scenes.

International Crimes and History (ICH) will dedicate its 17th issue to the topics related to population movements in the form of violent expulsions, flights, treaty-regulated migrations, population exchanges, and voluntary migrations in and through the Balkans in relation to changing socio-political contexts.
The following is an incomprehensive list of related historical episodes that are expected to be covered in this upcoming issue:

- Expansion of the Ottoman Empire and the Pax-Ottomana in the Balkans.
- Population movements in the Balkans during the collapse of multinational empires and the emergence of nation-states. Contributions that focus on this period may investigate population movements in relation to:
o 1821-1829 Greek War of Independence
o Expulsion of the Muslims from Greece and Serbia in 1830-1831
o 1830-1878 treaty-based expulsion of Muslims and settlement laws in the Principality of Serbia
o 1874-1876 uprising in Herzegovina, Bosnia, and Bulgaria
o 1876-1878 Bulgarian Independence Movement
o 1878 Austria-Hungary’s takeover of Bosnia Herzegovina
o 1877-1878 Turco-Russian War
o 1878 Berlin Congress
o 1912-1913 and 1913 Balkan wars
- Bilateral population exchanges by treaties.
o 1913 Peace Treaty of Constantinople and the population exchange between the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria
o 1919 Peace Treaty of Neuilly and the population exchange between Bulgaria and Greece
o 1923 Peace Treaty of Lausanne and the population exchange between Turkey and Greece
- World War II era expulsions.
- Emigration of the Muslims of Bulgaria in 1950’s and late-1980’s.
- Post-Cold War era population movements, expulsions, ethnic cleansings.
o Wars in former Yugoslavia
o Migration from Balkans to Turkey, and return movement to Bulgaria in its relationship with Bulgaria’s accession to the EU
- Conflicts and international migration in the 21st Century.
o The Arab Spring, wars and terrorism in the Middle East, and the Balkans as a East-West transit route

The ICH invites the contributors to focus on the below listed and other related questions while investigating the above mentioned historical episodes:
- Politics and ideologies of different actors and states as a factor effecting population movements.
- Social, economic, cultural, and political causes and consequences of the population movements.
- Reactions of societies, states, and international community to the population movements
- Relations of the migrants with the states and the societies of the countries that they migrated to. Everyday life in the new countries.
- Formation of diasporic identities in the new countries.
- The reflections of the population movements in literature and arts.
- Settlement patterns, laws, strategies, and policies of the receiving countries.
- Emigrants’ relations with the countries of origin.
- Cultural remittances left in the countries of emigration.
- National historiographies on the population movements.
- Jews (before 1948), Roma people and other ‘stateless’ peoples.
- International law.
Contributions on the population movements in the Eurasian region and reviews of recently published books on the subject are also welcome.

Deadline for manuscript submissions: 15 December 2016.

Notes for Contributors
Manuscripts submitted for publication are subject to peer review. The ICH accepts academic research that has not been previously submitted to another journal for publication. Submissions must be written in accordance with the standards put forward by the journal, and with a clear and concise language.
- Manuscripts should be submitted via email to Dr. Turgut Kerem Tuncel (
- Manuscripts should be in English or in Turkish.
- Manuscripts should be word processed using Microsoft Word.
- Manuscripts should be 12 point font, Times New Roman, and 1.5 spaced allowing good (1-1/2 inch) margins. Pages should be numbered sequentially. - International Crimes and History adheres to the Chicago reference style.
- All manuscript submissions should include the following information on the first page of the Word document:
o Full name(s) of the author(s)
o Short biographical note(s) about the author(s)
o Professional position(s) of the author(s)
o Current department and institutional affiliation(s) of the author(s)
o Email(s) of the author(s)
o Full address(es)/phone(s)/fax details of the author(s)
o One photo of the author (as another attachment to the email)
The ICH welcomes the submission of manuscripts as Main Articles and Book Reviews.
- Main Articles should be 7,000–9,000 words including footnotes and bibliography. They should include an abstract between 150–200 words and 4–6 keywords (in alphabetical order, suitable for indexing. Ideally, these words should not have appeared in the title). - There should be a clear hierarchy of headings and subheadings.
- Quotations more than 40 words should be indented from both the left and right margins and single-spaced.
- Book Reviews should be 3,000–4,000 words including footnotes on recently published books on related subjects. Book Reviews should have a title. The details of the book under review should be listed with the following details:
- Author(s) or Editor(s) first and last name(s) of the book under review.
- Title of book
- Year of publication
- Place of publication
- Publisher
- Number of pages
- Language of the book
- Price (please indicate paperback or hard cover) if available.
The editorial office will make every effort to deal with manuscript submissions as quickly as possible. All papers will be acknowledged on receipt by email.


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